My first G-journal

Well if you need to do any watering before tuesday then use some lemon juice to lower the pH. 1Tbsp to a gallaon at most
OK its been a wile but here are the pics for day 29. Also the tops are like that because I let them push on the glass.


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well Im not to sure, That's why Im trying it out!. i figured it was a different strain from the others. And I for some reason disliked it from the get go, so I decided to make it my little Ginny Pig. My suspicion is that it will take less energy from the leaves Wile obtaining close to the same amount of sunlight as it originally could. (I have not noticed much change in the leaves I have trimmed, that's why I think this)
Hey. everyone sorry about not posting in a while been busy with other tasks. Plants are doing good and just past the day 30 flower mark. GP should be uploading some pics soon of the progress. Had a few hiccups along the way but nothign serious. Buds are fat and dense and coming out nicely. Should be looking at 1 to 1.5 onuces a plant dw. Since it has been awhile since a post here is the latest 2 turned out male and the others are beutiful girls. In the last pic

the two on the right are the girls and are about 2 foot tall. As for the strain we are thinking it is a F1 hybrid from the bud we got since the seeds were in the same one.

The Indica heavy one is the prized jewel and we took some clones from her and they are doing good. The more sativa heavy strain has a really nice canopy top to it but is haveing some difficulties. Had a nasty salt buildup in it out of know were and some heat issues becuase the box is running a litte hot 80-85 with 40% RH. Outside temps have been horible lately too 95-100 for the past week. SO, hopefully GP will get on and post some pics this week if not I'll have some next week. so keep coming back for more updates, friend me, or leave comment or pm me for more info.
Whats up man, your avatar caught my attention, I just started using the nutes you have there, the super bloom, and i was wondering if you have any long term use with this product? I'm hoping it works well, as some of my friends are a bit skeptical about it.
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