My first females :D:D


Well-Known Member
Got 2 females out of 3 plants, the 3rd one has yet to show.

It's a great feeling xD Just went looking at them and there where a bunch of hairs over the top of the plant. Damn this is great..


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are excited and I want to know the feeling. I'm still playing the waiting game!


Well-Known Member
word up, get some pics in hurrrrrr

clone em before you flower
I was going to but it's going to be a one shot thing since I'm still living with my parents and they told me that I can do it once. Maybe when I get my own place I'd start growing again :D


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of the ladies :D Not much but it's just a camera phone.. you can see some of the hairs though.
