My first ever time growing weed down under


For my love of weed, I thought I would give it a crack. I'm a very hands on type of person so this was a little project I started.
These babies started off life in late April '10.
Germinated from unknown seeds on cotton, and then transferred to Peat Pellets.

By late May, I transferred them into pots ready for the outside world.

Out of 10 seed of various unknown buds, 7 survived. But 4 females, were cultivated by my amateur skills. 2 were planted into random areas of the garden and 1 is a male.
The 3 that died were eaten by grasshoppers! Bitten clean off the stalk and dragged along 10-20cm and then ravished, and then leaving the left overs for me to find.

I made 4 clones before they flowered, and replanted 4 to the ground. 3 have already been casualties of grasshoppers. This is the remaining survivor, which have had its leaves eaten by something.

These 4 females were all from the same time, and they're all at their different stages of growth.
Female 1

Female 2

Female 3

Female 4 and 3.

I wonder if anyone can tell me what type these plants may be?

Below is some damage the leaves are taking! Think I overfed them. I use organic fertiliser, worm food, algae water from our pond. I have used sulphate of potash for the flowering plants.

This is the male, i don't care very much about it, I just moved it to the other side of the garden away from the females, not sure whether to let it grow little more and smoke it, or kill it now. As you can see, it has some scars, and has a deficiency. :evil:

These 2 were the ones replanted back into the garden. i chose 2 spots, 1 under our huge mango tree, and the other in some herb patch. Both areas are organically fertilised with egg shells, rice, fruit and vegetable matter, manure and whatever my mum uses. It was until recently these plants got better sunlight as the mango tree got pruned.

I would love some feedback and advice, to make these babies better?


Well-Known Member
Females are looking mighty fine. Are you looking to make more seeds or strictly bud? If you leave that male around, you'll have hella seeds.

Looks good



Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Its probably not a great idea to take pictures of your open palm, especially if you've got your prints on record. Looking good anyway dude. Subbed + rep