My First Ever Plant is Dying Help!


I started an outdoor grow in pots about 6 weeks ago.

Lowryder 2's
Growing medium 60% Compost, 40% Pearlite, and lime for a starting PH of about 6.5
I was using Miracle Grow Organic liuid fertiliser - after these problems I've stopped using it.

Could someone please have a look at the attached pics as I'm not sure what I've done wrong?



Well-Known Member
looks like a bad case of nute burn

flush your soil with 3 times the volume of the pot, clean pH 6.5 water.

then start feeding again at much lower dosage than what you used.

good luck


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give autos any nutes, there isnt enough time for a proper flush IMO. I would just make sure my medium was rich enough to support it for the 70 days or however long it takes to grow. And I DEFINATLY wouldnt give any nutes before 6 weeks to any plant, remember your soil has enough nutes for at least the first month or so and that leaves 35 days or so untill chop. A proper flushing takes 15-20 days. That leaves like 2 weeks that the plant COULD use the nutes your giving it. And that is cutting it awefull close. Unless your growing in sand your soil should support 90% of the auto's life. This is just my opinion though, as I dont want ANY chems in my herb.


Well-Known Member
it is def. nute burn, change out what its in or this will continue, i went through the same thing.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't give autos any nutes, there isnt enough time for a proper flush IMO. I would just make sure my medium was rich enough to support it for the 70 days or however long it takes to grow. And I DEFINATLY wouldnt give any nutes before 6 weeks to any plant, remember your soil has enough nutes for at least the first month or so and that leaves 35 days or so untill chop. A proper flushing takes 15-20 days. That leaves like 2 weeks that the plant COULD use the nutes your giving it. And that is cutting it awefull close. Unless your growing in sand your soil should support 90% of the auto's life. This is just my opinion though, as I dont want ANY chems in my herb.
i don't think autos are different than any other plants. I do agree that it's better IF POSSIBLE to provide its food from compost soil, but this isn't always possible, and not every soil can sustain a plant very well for longer than 3 weeks.

a proper flushing takes about 30-60 minutes. well maybe in such bad cases it would need more flushing waterings, but even just one is better than nothing, and definitely helpful to save this little plant, especially in such a small container (and of course transplanting to a bigger one is quite necessary now)

one thing for sure though, no matter how organic you grow, you will ALWAYS have chemicals in your herb. Your herb is made of chemicals, and the only difference between compost, organic ferts and mineral ferts is the way you give those chems to your plant. In the end, the molecules are the same molecules.


Well-Known Member
I started an outdoor grow in pots about 6 weeks ago.

Lowryder 2's
Growing medium 60% Compost, 40% Pearlite, and lime for a starting PH of about 6.5
I was using Miracle Grow Organic liuid fertiliser - after these problems I've stopped using it.

Could someone please have a look at the attached pics as I'm not sure what I've done wrong?
thats a nutrient burn .......what id do is flush the plant thourghly ,.....then drop the nutes to a quarter strenth ,.....and work my way back to half strenth in doses .......good luck


i started with 2 90w leds then i added 2 more90w leds then some of my plants started to shrivel what should i do?