My First Ever Grow....


Well-Known Member
Setup for my first grow:
2x2x4 tent
150w HPS sun system light.
HTG 4" exhaust fan with carbon filter
120mm intake fan
6" fan inside the tent moving air around
Jacks classic dynamic duo
Starter soil then transplanting to a 3 gallon pot with FFOF

I started a seed a week ago and it has seemed to be doing pretty good. It's a free seed (critical+) from the tude when I ordered during their big June promo. I decided to start with the free seeds as they are just that. Temps stay right around 81-82 with the light on which is perfect. I worked out a heat issue by adding the 120 mm fan. I'm misting it with water about 3 times a day just to keep the top of the soil moist. The pics are the first week of the youngins life.

Feel free to post in here with any suggestions/comments/concerns etc... :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Here's a couple quick pics I just snapped. It is standing more straight up then before and I think its possibly because I lowered the light approximately 2"-3"



Well-Known Member
I'll be transplanting to a 3 gallon pot in the next day or 2 as the roots are coming out of the holes in the bottom of the cup already.


Well-Known Member
I know I don't need it yet but I got restless so I went to the store bought a few things and made a scrog net. I made it out of 1/2" PVC piping and attached eye hooks every 2 inches and ran the mason's line up and under like a tennis racket. Pretty easy to do and only cost like 12 bucks.



Well-Known Member
Plant is in the 3 gallon pot now with FFOF and looks to be doing good. I will be giving it its first feeding of nutes (Jack's Classic All purpose 20-20-20) at 1/4 strength the next watering (about 2-3 days).



Well-Known Member
Here are some updated pics at day 19. I also watered today and gave it its first feeding of Jack's Classic all purpose 20-20-20. I only used a 1/4 tsp per gallon, so we'll see how she takes to the nutes!

Side note she has her first set of 5 leaves wooohoooo!!!



Well-Known Member
Well here's an update, I fed her with the Jack's Classic All Purpose again at 1/4 tsp per gallon since she seemed to LOVE it the first time. I also tied it down the first time to start the LST process...let me know how it looks and if I'm doing this whole growing thing right lol




Well-Known Member
Hey man - sorry i'm late for the party!!! sub'd up now! She's looking great! That LST work will pay-off big later on, trust me. Keep it up! +rep!


Well-Known Member
Party's just about to get started!! I should have some updated pics here today, the scrog net is in now as well. From what it looks like in your grow Dayzt you switched to flower about 10 days after you put the net in? I've been using your grow as reference, I won't be able to veg as long as yours because of the smaller tent and light but if mine is half the size of yours I would be ecstatic!


Well-Known Member
Party's just about to get started!! I should have some updated pics here today, the scrog net is in now as well. From what it looks like in your grow Dayzt you switched to flower about 10 days after you put the net in? I've been using your grow as reference, I won't be able to veg as long as yours because of the smaller tent and light but if mine is half the size of yours I would be ecstatic!
Yeah I think it was about 10 days - but that's only due to the fact that the screen wasn't as full as I wanted it to be quite yet. Remember that you can continue to move the tops out to the edges for a while even after switching it to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Well here are some updated pics, currently sitting at day 45 of veg. I have been feeding with nutes every watering and it seems to be doing great. I put in the scrog a couple days ago and have been moving the branches around to get it to spread out. C+D45b.jpgC+D45c.jpgC+D45d.jpgC+D45a.jpg


Well-Known Member
The scrog is looking great man - shouldn't take you long to fill that screen out. I'd say maybe another week before going 12/12 though... depending on your headroom.


Well-Known Member
Subbed, looking good. That screen should fill out in no time, I think the show is ready to begin.



Well-Known Member
Here's some last pics of veg, next time the light comes on will be day 1 of flowering ( Sunday ). If it gets any bigger I don't think there will be room for it, height wise, so that was the deciding factor. Watered it for the last time with Jacks all purpose as well. I think she's looking good, so far at least lol.
Man, the plants are looking killer! I just started my very first grow / grow journal as well! :D Hope that I get as nice plants as you did!