My first ever grow (white widow), tips and advice please


Active Member
Just to let you guys know, the picture was taken 10minutes ago and I JUST planted the seeds, so read on but remember this. Also, id really like answers from you guys about all my questions but especially the questions that are in bold. If for some reason i have not given enough informatino in order for you to answer the question then please say so. I have never grown ANYTHING in my life ever, not even half a blade of grass or the smallest dandelion. I came to cus Ive heard from so many of my friends and online that you guys are the best and I hope you will be gracious enough to impart your knowledge to me so I may develop into a pro and spread the joy of prime quality heavenly herb :grin::leaf:

Okay, i bought 10 white widow seeds from nirvana(which I've heard bad things about :cry:) for about $50 and a 150watt HPS all-in-one setup from for 89$ which is very cheap from what i have seen, they have alot of all-in-one systems for MH and HPS so u dont have ot have a separate ballast box or anything, the bulb/reflector/ballast/plug its all in one metal thing that u can hang anywhere. I bought the 89$ one u can see on their main page. For making sure the light doesnt increase the temperature too much ive taped a piece of plastic that covers the light longways but still has 1.5 inches on either side for air to flow through. By doing this i got the temperature to drop a 10-12deg Farenheit. I also got a 5-10$ digital humidity and temperature reader that keeps track of the lows and highs in temperature. I bought sta-green 0.13-0.04-0.09 fertilzer from lowes; its a time released fertilizer that supposedly lasts 9 months. With such a low concentration of NPK in it i shouldnt have to worry about burning the poor little seedlings as they are growing correct? Because I dont plan on adding extra fertilizer until about 2 weeks or so.

I'm mainly following widowmakers growing post right now among other things and i let the white widow seeds sit in a moist paper towel for about 2 days and the 2 seeds have sprouted (the sprout is about 2-3 millimeters) and so i planted them about half an inch into the plastic cups you see in the picture with a 1cm(diameter) hole cut at the bottom for drainage. This seems to be a decent enough sized hole cus the cups are about 8oz and 6oz of water is plenty enough to flush the soil and have dirty water leaking and dripping fast out of the hole at the bottom so i plan to use about 3 during my regular waterings-maybe less maybe more, is that ok? too much? not enough? I will start with 50ppm and move on up once i get a ppm reader. Also I know that as soon as you plant the seed you should water it but dont water again until the soil is almost completely dry in order to stimulate the roots of to grow and seek out and search for that water, which will eventually strengthen your plant cus roots are the heart of the plant. Having no growing experience and being a relatively poor college student, should i invest in some "take-root" forumlas for my seedlings or will they develop fine as long as i take care of them? Are take-root forumlas more for advanced growers or can newbs like me benefit from them to a great degree?

Because of the NPK fertilizer already present in the soil and considering that this is my first grow of ANY plant EVER im being cautious and have decided to let the NPK in the fertilizer do its work until the plant sprouts to about 1-2 inches and decently visible leaves before i start to add the 2-1-1 earth juice liquid fertiler i bought online (ill have to get a ppm reader asap before i start adding fert). Of course ill be adding it very slowly to make sure the plant gets used to it. From what i have recently learned, liquid fertilizer is meant to be mixed with water for hydroponic systems but i figured it would just be easier to mix the liquid fertilizer with regular aerated de-clorinated clean water to pour into the that ok or should i invest in some sort of solid dissolvable fertilizer?

I keep my metal cabinet open always while the HPS light is on and the 16inch diameter pole fan i have is on full speed to ensure proper air flow, to keep the temperature down (it can get to 105-110 in a matter of minutes if i close the cabinet doors) and when it starts to sprout out of the soil i want the stems to be strong.

At night the temp is around 78F and 40% humidity and during the day it might go up to around 85F with maybe 45% humidity, is that ok? I keep my HPS light on 18/6 light:dark. I turn it on at midnight and turn it off at 6pm. This way i hope the little bit of sunlight that comes through my windows/curtains will help the plant (i doubt it will but whats the harm in trying right?). At 6pm, the HPS light is off, the cabinet doors are shut and it is pitch black inside the grow-cabinet from 6pm to midnight. This is during the vegetative stage.
My main question about this is ive heard that maryjane grows best with high humidity and 40% seems quite low,is there any way i can increase the humidity without some sort of humidifier that will blow up my light, cause mold, and simply be too bulky for a stealth grow? Or is 40% humidity during light periods acceptable, it gets to around 50% during the dark periods, and yes i will spray the leaves and stems once they start to sprout.

Once the buds start to flower decently im gonna switch from my the 2-1-1 earth juice fert (grow) to 0-3-1 earth juice fert (bloom) then i would really like to experiemnt with Dr. Hornby's "Big Bud" bloom fert (which ive heard amazing things about) from but im unsure whether to use the liquid or the solid one? The 'Big Bud' powder is NPK 0-17-38 but the 'Big Bud" liquid is NPK 0-1.6-3.6 (both sulfur 0.85). Anyone have good results with this stuff? Does it matter if i choose the powder or the liquid if im growing in a soil medium?

Also, with a 150watt HPS light (for both vegetative and bloom periods, i cant get MH right now) how many plants can i successfully grow at once? Ive heard 5000k lumens per 1 plant and a 150watt hps produces 15k lumens so im growing 2 plants. Would i be able to grow maybe 4-5 plants with one 150watt HPS light?
Furthermore, does using liquid fertilizer mixed into declorinated aerated water work fine for soil plants even though its meant for hydroponics?

Also, for the carbon dioxide production, i have some dasani bottles that i will fill with baking soda and vinegar and shake real well and poke a small hole in the cap so the CO2 can escape and the plants can use it. Should i put the bottles in to provide the plant with CO2 during the light hours when the cabinet is open and the fan is on, or during the dark period when the cabinet is closed so the CO2 can accumulate better inside the cabinet? If i do that with the light on im afraid that the CO2 will just leak out around the room and the plants wont be abel to use as much as they could.

Thank you for answering these questions, expect me to post pictures and information at leats once a week for you guys to see and for me to describe how my plants are growing and to recieve advice from the pros. I will also post other questions that I may have overlooked or simply forgot to ask. Thank you all for your help, i really, really appreciate it. :hug:

I shall humbly pray to Dionysus for huge bud yields for myself and all of you! :peace:

-Drake, 21, Southeast USA

P.S. if ur having trouble seeing or reading the attached pic then go to



Active Member
alright dosen't look bad at all. now im no expert but have done tons of research yes most people including myself by liquid nute and mix them with their water supply but not until after several weeks or the plants are strong enough to hande them. yes any root stimulator will always help, biiger root=bigger plant. 40% humidity isn't horrible one simply way of increasing it at least a little is to leave an open container full of water in your area(my humidity is typically around 50-65%). overwatering is unfortunatley very easy to do esspecially as a new grower, but remeber a mj plant will live if not enough water and die if too much, and sadly i don't really know amount i typically check my plants daily if soil is too dry(soil dry about 2in deep) i water it. as for ur other quentions im not sure, im sure u could grow more plants if u not sure exactly how much. good luck ill be glad to watch all ur progress, hope any of this helps.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings don't need fertilizer, wait a couple weeks. Check the FAQ for more info in that. Up the humidity on the plant, I've heard a bag works well.


Well-Known Member
I think the horizontal lines are caused by the light (mine gets them too). If I change the angle a bit, it stops :)


Active Member
I think the horizontal lines are caused by the light (mine gets them too). If I change the angle a bit, it stops :)
ya changing angle helps but just turning the hps off and turning regular celing light on totally eliminates it. and is a much more clear picture.

anyways i posted a pic of my new growroom, i have 4 slabs of 24x2x2 of wood holding the light up now, they are a bit too long to line up straight so i had to make them diagonal and use a 5lb dumbell to support the corner.

Ill shorten the slabs of wood and maybe put 2 more on top of them to lift the light to the highest it can go.

I have an open bottle of dasani filled with clean fresh water that i use to water my plants with in between the two cups plus a 1 gallon humidfier on high right beside them. By lowering the speed on my huge oscillating fan you saw on my first thread from high to low, and adding the open water bottle and humidifer i get around 45% humidity but ive just installed all this and took the pic 5 min ago so maybe ill have to give it a few days before the true results of the change show--also the humidifier and lowering the speed of the fan keeps my temperature at around 80F with the air conditioner on.

Once the plants sprout and are about an 2-3 inches and a week from being ready to move into a clay pot ill start putting vinegar/baking soda into an empty 3 liter bottle or gallon jug in place of that dasani bottle of water in the middle, shake it up real good, then poke a hole at the top with a needle to let the co2 fizz out and do its thing. Is this a decent idea?

Finally, when im rearranging my setup, i usually am messing with how to arrange the light the best way and i end up knocking down the cups and some of the dirt falls out and sometimes the seeds. It happened just a few min ago and both seeds fell out but i gently put the dirt back in, put the seeds in their place, and squirted a little bit of water around the top to rejuice it. I know thats just clumsyness but when my plant starts to grow bigger and roots start to get longer but its still weak and i knock of the cup over and the plant and roots fall out (cus the soil is very loose and airated) will that be the end of my plant?

Furthermore, instead of the white shiny plastic stuff would it be better to just layer the ground/walls/top(ceiling) with large mirrors instead? Off the top of my head id guess i could triple my total light and luminosity, but i know nothing of light-physics. Would mirrors help or should i stick with white plastic?

Final question is, what exactly should i look for for a seedling root-stimulator, a vegetative root-stimulator, and a blooming root stimulator?

Thanks alot guys.
I know itll be 4 months before i can have decent smokable crop and its only been a week. I hope to hell i dont give up as i tend to do very quickly.:-?



Active Member
holy shit, i just got a PH/moisture/light meter from lowes annd the PH of one of my plants is 5.4 and the other is 4.5. and its only been 3days since i planted them, they are in the dark period right now (light from 12ammidnight - 6pm, dark from 6pm to 12pmmidnight US East Coast). I added a bit of baking soda to some about 2oz of water and poured 1oz in each plant, hopefully thatll work. but question is:

Are the bottles of PH-up and PH-down from the swimming pool section at walmart or other stores safe for the plant at all stages from seedling to sprout to veg and bloom?

Also, how long until the seed stem or greenery pops out from under the soil, ive heard 3-10 days or it can be 2-3 weeks... mines been there for about 5 days and i see nothing yet, im afraid its dead somehow


Well-Known Member
When you sprout your seeds try soaking them for 24 hours and just laying them on the top of your growing soil.....gently cover them with a few pinches of soil. When you take them out of the paper towel there are microscopic root hairs that get ripped off. Don't feed for a few weeks...and don't use too much light. 24 hours a day with a florescent tube light is good. Don't water till your pot feels light when your pick it up. and don't want the roots to spread out looking for food...if they find food to easy they won't spread out. GL with your grow.


Active Member
ok one finally sprouted, lol i know its only been 2 days but hell im not patient. thing is, i planted both at the same time but this one sprouted but the other one didnt, i even used a little poker to dig aroudn in the soil and couldnt even find the seedling or anything. is it possible for the seeds to die underground and the soil to eat them? cus there is no trace of ever having planted it....

*queue spooky twilight zone music*



Active Member
Subscribed. Looking forward to seeing these things take off. Im just about ready to start growing my own widows so kudos to ya.


Active Member
Dude, you were just like me about 2 months ago with my first ever grow which is also white widow, one word of advice: loving them to death is the most common reason you will fail... let them be and you'll be fine, water every 3 or 4 or 5 days and don't add frickin nutes till at least 3 weeks and then only at half strength and slowly work up. Also, soil is important, go with Fox farms ocean blend, i had mine in miracle grow and fuck that shit... also, no clay pot, they soak up all the moisture, use a #3 bucket from any garden store, the #3 means three gallons, once in there you're good for the life of the grow, you wont have to unneccesarily repot later, mix with some perlite for added moisture retention and you should be watering every 3-4 days using about 1/3 gallon per bucket, enough so water trickles out the bottom not floods....Also, enough with your mcguyvering the ph and shit, get good soil, Fox farms, and use distilled water, you'll be fine... also, the only nutes i added during veg were jack's classic 20-20-20 blend with a little superthrive and they loved it...oh and by the way, after all my fuckin work and time and money, 5 outta 5 of mine just turned out to be male...but they look fuckin great....


I ordered 12 white widows female seeds from fast delivery, packaged right. hand selected supposedly. Now, I start out growing two female plants from the ww. i had a third plant that i took a seed from a bag of my friends really good weed, and took the chance. The (outsider) became male and infected the two other plants and there were so many banannas growing i couldn't see how buds were going to grow, the flowering cycle got so far into it.... i think it was unable to produce. So i was like alright i got seeds left, I'm going to vacuum the shit outta everything wipe down everything start from scratch. I started growing a female white widow by itself. This guy was definitely white widow, or should i say gal, and i called it re-re cuz it grew 3 flowers and the 3rd one looked like a gimp right hook
Anyway the plant is growing fine, there were no signs of anything pointing to be male or anything but female. But when it started flowering and sprouting like crazy... i see the banannas coming out, with which looks like a bud on top of the two sacks on each branch. The plant is still gaining strength, leaves are a lil weak so i'm doing the string thing. But, am i going to go through the same thing as before? Have this thing grow another foot or two and it just all be banannas? What gives? I made this place spotless, air dried for a week like we redid the entire apartment. So how the hell does my 3rd seed from this place seem to be hermie, or maybe they really fucked up and gave me all male (i really doubt it with reputation). Does bud still grow up to a 50/50 with banannas and weed? Anyone have thoughts? questions?