My first DMT experience

So last night was my first REAL experience with DMT. It was my second time smoking it, but this was the first real trip. It was the gnarliest trip of my life. I did it with four other buddies to total five fairly experienced trippers. Only two of the five had real DMT experiences prior to last night. This is my experience, done 100% eyes closed.

We sat in a circle on the floor and each took our hits one at a time. The room was pitch black. I was the fourth one to go. I packed my snap of bud in the bottom of the pipe, put the powder on top, a touch more bud, then the whole bowl in one long rip. I struggled to keep the hit in. I covered my mouth, closed my eyes, and instantly I felt as though I was being pulled forward by my chest at 1000mph. like if my heart was replaced with a magnet, and a much larger magnet was pulling me towards it. as I was flying at mach speeds the room had disappeared, but my four friends were still sitting there with me. They were the only thing that remained constant. My eyes were closed and I could feel them smile, move their head, look at me, I could even hear them.
The room was a small bedroom, and I felt that outside the walls of that room was nothing, the infinite abyss. I could hear it roaring and see it looking at me as if it would pull me in if I got too close and be id be lost forever.
After that I looked around at my friends, they were all still looking at me, smiling. Then all 5 of us instantly…melted. It was like the flesh had just melted off of our souls, turned to liquid crayola colors, and mixed together and we were flowing down the drain. I could feel myself get mixed together and sucked down the drain with all of my friends, and at the same time I was still sitting in my circle, right where I was when I started. Only this time, I was not there, nor were my friends. All that was left was the void of where our bodies once were. Not even empty space could fill this void. It was almost like we had turned to dark matter or something. This was definitely the most intense and revealing point of the trip. I began to get scared, then I could hear the voices of my friends tell me it was going to be okay. I look left to where the voices came from and all four voices were coming out of the mouth of the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. She winked, smiled, then as quickly as I had been pulled into the trip, I was pulled out of it. I regained consciousness only to find that all I had done for 6 minutes was weep uncontrollably.
Awesome experience. Can't wait to try dmt :) did you smoke 5-meo or N-N?

This guy talks about the difference in the trip for 5-meo an N-N.

Also magic mushrooms are related to dmt the active compound in magic mushrooms is Psilocybin which is similar to the DMT molecule.



4-HO-DMT (psilocin)

4-PO-DMT (psilocybin)

I would Have to go with the 5-MeO. It was intense, frightening, euphoric, and the best time ive ever had, actually. I feel rewired. I went to Together As One, a massive rave in LA, New Years eve and then drove to San Fransisco New Years day for another massive. Never again will i do such a thing, but it was a gnarly experience for sure! Anyways, I had been feeling pretty fried ever since and the DMT fixed it. Even had a little cold yesterday and I woke up fresh as a mo fo this morning!
It was very intense. I had read and researched so i had an idea of what was to come, but nothing can prepare you for that first rush.
That's what I keep hearing. The only thing I can compare is a couple mild salvia experiences. And they still had an intensity about them. I can't wait to try the deemster!


Active Member
To me, DMT always feels a little safer for my soul than salvia, if that makes any sense. But then again with salvia I have only ever smoke strong standardized extracts

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I would Have to go with the 5-MeO. It was intense, frightening, euphoric, and the best time ive ever had, actually. I feel rewired. I went to Together As One, a massive rave in LA, New Years eve and then drove to San Fransisco New Years day for another massive. Never again will i do such a thing, but it was a gnarly experience for sure! Anyways, I had been feeling pretty fried ever since and the DMT fixed it. Even had a little cold yesterday and I woke up fresh as a mo fo this morning!
So your saying this trip report was for 5-meo-dmt or you would rather go with 5-meo-dmt.


Well-Known Member
The blackness and the void is common themes with 5MeO.
Try to stay in the light at all times...
Im saying that my trip sounds like 5MeO. An old hippie that comes into a local grow shop brews it, the same guy we get our homegrown shrooms from for a long while now. He gave a full vial to one of my friends and said, "you and your friends take this and learn from it." My friend asked how much he wanted for it, and he said he could never bring himself to charge for it. He says DMT is too pure to be of any monetary value
To me, DMT always feels a little safer for my soul than salvia, if that makes any sense. But then again with salvia I have only ever smoke strong standardized extracts
Im not a fan of salvia. For me, its not an enjoyable trip and I don't feel like a learn anything from it once I come out. I don't mind tripping so hard its scary (One time i thought insectes were disassembling me piece by piece on a heavy shroom trip), but i better come out of it with something to reflect on, you know?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Im saying that my trip sounds like 5MeO. An old hippie that comes into a local grow shop brews it, the same guy we get our homegrown shrooms from for a long while now. He gave a full vial to one of my friends and said, "you and your friends take this and learn from it." My friend asked how much he wanted for it, and he said he could never bring himself to charge for it. He says DMT is too pure to be of any monetary value
Thanks for the explanation. LOL Well I'd go to his house and ask to trade for some more and see if he can't bring himself to do that either. :D

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Im not a fan of salvia. For me, its not an enjoyable trip and I don't feel like a learn anything from it once I come out. I don't mind tripping so hard its scary (One time i thought insectes were disassembling me piece by piece on a heavy shroom trip), but i better come out of it with something to reflect on, you know?
What did you get out of being disassembled piece by piece by a swarm of insects?
Thanks for the explanation. LOL Well I'd go to his house and ask to trade for some more and see if he can't bring himself to do that either. :D
HAHA we have plenty to last us a while. I tried to give him some homegrown for it. He accepted roasting a few doobs of my stuff but he has been growing longer than I've been alive. I just couldn't compete with his delicious 100% organic sour d :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
HAHA we have plenty to last us a while. I tried to give him some homegrown for it. He accepted roasting a few doobs of my stuff but he has been growing longer than I've been alive. I just couldn't compete with his delicious 100% organic sour d :)
Haha. See if he uses the internet and get him on here. ;) I'm sure he does.
What did you get out of being disassembled piece by piece by a swarm of insects?

Oh yes, that was the one that broke me. I was 18 and tripping for my third time. Everything that is wrong with the youth of America, was wrong with me. I had a very self centered and narcissistic outlook on life. I was tripping with an old childhood friend that had turned into well...a hippie. It was the trip that taught me to just go with life. Not everything is in my control, and there is a much bigger picture than what is going on in "Pat's world," and it will still be there once i leave this place and return to the earth. It taught me modesty, respect, it taught me how to listen instead of just waiting for my turn to speak. That trip was probably the most influential. It broke through that barrier for me.