My first crop: 2 600w hps almost ready for harvest


Well-Known Member
I've read that using a 30x microscope works but I have also found that to be a topic of much controversy on RIU, some swear by it, some swear against it. I was just wondering if any of you experts out there have an opinion based on the pics, I know theyre not the best, but it's the best I could do. Let me know. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I Don't think I've ever seen any against it. some may have other ways to do it. The trich's will tell you whats what regardless of any other way to judge them. when might be another story. I like mine to show all cloudy with some amber showing.


Well-Known Member
I Don't think I've ever seen any against it. some may have other ways to do it. The trich's will tell you whats what regardless of any other way to judge them. when might be another story. I like mine to show all cloudy with some amber showing.
I've run into some pretty intense discussions on here on the topic. FDD is against using the the trichomes as the main way to tell "ripeness" due to the fact that most likely at any point in time you can find an area where some are clear and another area where some are amber. I will definitely be using one in order to give me a more clear idea of when to chop I just don't wish to base my entire harvest time off of it. Thanks for the help though. +REP


Well-Known Member
lol fdd was one I was talking about. I still can't tell by the looks of the plant. I get pretty good results with the scope. I look at the main colas. they seem to get done before the smaller. so I still get a range of doneness. I would love to try his stuff "fdd" all his plants look great.


Active Member
I've run into some pretty intense discussions on here on the topic. FDD is against using the the trichomes as the main way to tell "ripeness" due to the fact that most likely at any point in time you can find an area where some are clear and another area where some are amber. I will definitely be using one in order to give me a more clear idea of when to chop I just don't wish to base my entire harvest time off of it. Thanks for the help though. +REP
In "Zeus's guide to harvesting" here in RIU he says to wait for the pistols/hairs to shrivel up and the calyxes to swell. For me, that meant delaying harvest for 2 weeks and it was well worth it, but i presume the optimum time varies by strain.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wish i was to the point at which I just "knew" when they were done, but I am not there yet, especially since this is my first full grow, but I've been lurking on these forums for awhile so I've definitely picked up some good knowledge. Thus, for this grow, a microscope is gonna be a big part of my timing, I just wish to get some help from some others so I can learn from them too.


Well-Known Member
I've only been growing full time for a few years. I learn new shit every grow. good luck on your harvest. I just a little bit away from chopping mine. this was a poor grow even for my standards. I'll only get 1-2 oz off four plants. Had my first fight with spider mites this grow. just about killed my plants.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, that's rough. I'm living pest free so far (knock on wood) so I hope to stay that way. Good luck with your future grows as well as your current harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'll get a good pic of the poor things soon. I'm still trying to hold off chopping for another week. I had planed on letting these go till mostley amber. just to try it. figured if I didn't like it my kid would.