My FIRST closet grow


Active Member
this is my first indoor closet grow op and I really had like No budget when I started this but have slowly added things to my grow area to enhance it little by little as I can afford. My space for flowering is 4'L x 2'W x 5'T and my veg room for the time being is the shelf above which I have light beariered as to not interupt the sleep of the flowering room. I hope to get 2 CFL's that advertise 7000lumens output each for the flowering room since i am on a small circuit breaker and also can't afford the bill for a HPS setup. I just got a camera tat will work so I will post pictures later today when the plants have woken up for the day. I would really appreciate any advice or help anyone can give on how I could better this area or put it to better growing space. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is a plant, and very highly evolved one at that.
Plants are not designed to grow indoors, so in order to have a thriving indoor garden you must fool the plants into believing they're in the great outdoors. It's your job to mimic an outdoor environment by recreating the sun, the wind, the rainfall, and the climate conditions of an outdoor plot.

There are 5 major factors to plant growth: Light, water, nutrients, atmosphere (oxygen & carbon dioxide), and temperature. Any green plant needs all five of these things to be available to it or growth will slow or stop. Each one is just as important as the others and more of one will absolutely not make up for the lack of any other.


Active Member
how did you seal the light in your veg room? With the wires hanging out, i dont get how to make it completely sealed. Thanks!
I made the light barrier with the thickest contractor bags I could find and layered them then sealed the seems with thick gorilla tap to ensure no light seep trough