MY FIRST CLOSET GROW!!!! need your opinions!!!


This is going to be my first grow. I am using a 6ftx3ft closet located in my bedroom. my equipment is includes a 6''in cooltube w/ a hammered out add on wings 400watt ipower dimmable hps/mh ballast(Super HPS bulb), 4''in inline fan w/ controller hooked up to a silencer and carbon filter (this is my main issue, i wonder if the order i put my silencer, inline fan, and carbon filter matter?). two moving fans. My grow setup is a Aero/Bubbleponic system with a aerator(15min misting increments every 4 hours)and airstone located in the 5 gallon buckets.BP.jpg

My main questions are:

1. The order that put my silencer, inline fan, and carbon filter is questionable. would that be enough to be keep my area quiet and smell free?
The fan makes about 47dbs but, with the silencer is brings it down to a quiet 23.5dbs?

2. The heat in the grow area is also a concern. would i be able to keep it at a manageable temp with the 400watt dimmable ballast and 4 inch inline fan system? The ventilation area is located at the bottom of the closet it 2 70 cfm pc fans suck in air from the room.

3. Would the position of my vent ducting be a problems being so far away from the actual closet? The fan is separated by about 10-15ft of ducting from the cool tube.

I would really appreciate you inputs, opinions, and ideas!




The way you set it up will work, if I was you I would run the system for a couple days with no plants and check temp. Then adjust as needed.


Active Member
I run my setup filter/fan/light then exhaust. I'm pulling the air in through the filter and pushing the air out through the light. I read that this works better for the filter and the fan but your set up will work. You need to exhaust the volume of your room every couple of minutes so match the fan/filter CFM rating a bit above that. You should be fine with the 10-15 ft run of ducting just keep it as straight as possible. I'd move the ballast out of the room if possible to reduce heat. Make sure you can bring cool air into the room. I have a 400w and it raises the room temp by 10-15degs during lights-on.


Thanks for input, ill be posting pics here and in my grow journal as well. I will be growing 3 super skunk plants. The seeds are from Nirvana I would've had 4 but, I had a Germination issue. Pics coming very soon.


Well-Known Member
Any reason he can't put his ballast up in the attic and just make a port for the cables to pass through? That would put more heat out of the space and into the attic...


Active Member
you can push through a filter as i have done it....but there is a drawback, the lesser surface area of the inside of the filter will clog faster...ther are solutions to this also...


I have changed a couple things i will make sure i have the ballast out of the space and as far a the filter richinweed you think i should pull from the aircooled tube? the thing is i only have 38''in in width im not sure if ill have the room. I literally dropped a little over 6 hundo on all the supplies and equipment. i should be receiving them mid week next week.


Well-Known Member
Filters work best when they are at the intake of the system as some one previously explained also the filter will act as a muffler so i am not sure sure that silencer will be needed and its just gonna add more drag to the ventilation system.


Active Member
You hijacked the OP's thread. Better to make your own but your wreid spec'd fan (m3/h) is around a 100-110 CFM so yes it should if your closet measurements were in ft.
You hijacked the OP's thread. Better to make your own but your wreid spec'd fan (m3/h) is around a 100-110 CFM so yes it should if your closet measurements were in ft.
Sorry bout that but i couldn't get a straight answer of anyone.Yes its in feet.Thanks and sorry again OP....


The Strain is Super Skunk from The Nirvana seed bank. Since this is my first grow i wanted to go with a classic.
Here are a few pics The germination process started on 9/2/12.
I used the cup in the water technique w/ 4 seeds then i transplanted them to the paper towel method, which worked pretty well.
3 i successfully germinated w/ one that did not grow past the tap root. I might have damaged the root during the transfer.

The pics are from each random day i wanted to take pics. they're 2 pics which were a day apart and i saw a major difference.
i've been keeping the PH balanced tap water around 5.5 to 6.0ph. I do not have a automatic ph meter which makes it hard to know exactly what the ph is.
I will be purchasing one soon. Day 3.jpgDay 6.jpgDay 7.jpg
I have also recently purchased a heat pad for my station which i installed last night so i will be posting a another pic soon. just to see if there was a significant difference.
Hopefully all my equipment comes in this week so i can post pics of my closet as well.
Please feel free to comment and any helpful advice would be great.:bigjoint:


First post :) I've seen a few plans on here where boxes/closets are vented to the attic. Just as a heads up, if you are in colder climates doing this in fall/winter/early spring will coat your attic in black mold. During cold seasons hot air should be vented either directly outside(securely) or to another room in the house. If the filter you are using is able to effectively clean the air of odour I would suggest another room in the house as this will be much safer than a constant billow of hot air coming from the side of your house. $0.02


First post :) I've seen a few plans on here where boxes/closets are vented to the attic. Just as a heads up, if you are in colder climates doing this in fall/winter/early spring will coat your attic in black mold. During cold seasons hot air should be vented either directly outside(securely) or to another room in the house. If the filter you are using is able to effectively clean the air of odour I would suggest another room in the house as this will be much safer than a constant billow of hot air coming from the side of your house. $0.02

Thanks for the info, luckily for me i have the furnace duct right next to my inline fan. i was thinking of either taping into the duct to exhaust all the hot air out of it straight through the roof to the outside (Since that vent or duct has been there forever no one will know) or replacing a foot of the vent with a "T" duct. either way, IM GOING TO MAKE THIS WORK. Swiler that's a great piece of info bro!