My first class with the golden teacher

"ebded up" huh? ;) its your journal, we dont need a frame by frame, although it is nice. at this point i would call your venture a success! all you need to do from here is improve and learn more. (and im sure cleaning wont hurt)

B+ isolation expanding in agar
DSCI4157 - Copy.jpg
I agree you can be proud to say you have made this a success! I also have no doubt from getting to know you a bit more now Matt that you will infact make improvements and really knock this whole hobby out of the park. I also agree you can never really be clean enough so get on!
Yes, i would also agree that i did have sucess with my first attempt...but with me its not quite time to stop trying to improve because although successfull i am not happy with my results..i am pleased with them, but not happy.

straw will be cut up finer.

things are just going to be done differently. i will def keep this journal going because i feel that its a good place for people to see the do's and dont's.

I will be bulk subbing and G2G again this weekend (i hope) getting ready for round 2 and 3

my first tray is spend, got 2 1/2 small flushes and maybe 10grams dry total. i still have 5 more trays fruiting, one of wich has a really bad contam of trich..but it is fruiting...will prob let it do its thing untill i go in and revamp the entire room (i knowi should get rid of it)

all 5 trays are fruiting now.

had one jar with contams in it which was my own fault for not replacing a piece of ripped tinfoil and having the "fuck it" attitude

all the rest of the jars are looking great, some are 100% colonized, others are nearing around 80%

got a fair amount of pics for ya guys today!!

First set of pics...contam first one!! as you can see i ripped the foil doing my G2G i should have put another piece on top of it but said fuck i was actually kinda hoping to get a contamed jar because i wanted to be normal....0 contams in 2 runs seems supernatural lol


next set of pics is a new method for cutting straw....this PITA task has become my worst nightmare....but needs to be done. so with the help of my buddy we have developed a nice little system using the mouths of soda bottles...just having him stuff the straw through the bottle and i cut it up, it helps cut down time because i dont have to bundle the straw up myself so i can stay on cutting.


heres the spent tray...


heres the smaller bin that i didnt let colonize nearly long enough...has been fucked with too much and didnt cut my hay up enough...its a failure...couple mushies growing in it....will see where it goes.

i wont be posting too many more pics of this current run, going to try and document my second instead. hoping i get better results :) enjoy the fungus porn lol
Whew.. Sensory overload. Lot of info for this first timer to absorb.That video in your first post was definitely worth the hour. Cheesy, but very informative. Felt like home ec class all over again.
My remaining questions after the vid were basically all answered through the spores101 site.
Now just to hunt down a free pressure cooker and get my hands clean.
Get it? Hands clean.. Hardy harr..
Cleanliness is next to shroomyness.
grubbed down 2.1g dry last night...def alot heavier of a "trip" than my first exp....definatly a good feeling. had fun, no visuals but defo out of my element.
grubbed down 2.1g dry last night...def alot heavier of a "trip" than my first exp....definatly a good feeling. had fun, no visuals but defo out of my element.

Nice glad you enjoyed man. That sounds like a very accurate desciption of what 2.1 would do to me. Next time I suggest 3.5-4 to really get the whole effect now that we know these aren't going to be dangerously potent. Not that Golden teachers should have been but its always good to be safe especially when you havn't tripped before. Just my 2 cents but I'd be renting the 3 funniest movies I could find and rolling up about 3 blunts and getting ready for the ride.
so, we took like 15g of fresh mushrooms and made a tea

can i just say.....oh my
Hahaha hell yeah Matt sounds like a good time! I managed to get out camping this weekend and the only thing that would have made it better would have been a nice big bag ofmushies! Almost positive I found a "magic mushroom" in my campsite yesterday morning so hopefully good things are coming soon! My jars seem to be taking awhile to colonize but are still growing.
yeah they do seem to take a while but they will get there.

in the mushie tea we made we placed one shroom that was completly greenish blue, we are calling it the green meanie because i think that one mushroom is responsible for the intensity of the trip, i mean splitting 15g of wet mushies is not alot but we both were pretty fucked up.
ooh ok wet. thought you were going big when I read 15 grams thinking that was dry mushies.

I'm going to transfer stuff out of my MS GT agar dish today. I'll try and isolate 3 separate mycs into new agar jars and the rest of the dish will be cut up and used to inc a popcorn jar.
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