My First CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Strain: Big Bang/Fast Pine
Nutes: Pure Blend Pro Grow (3-1.5-4)
CFL: 3x 42w 6500k / 8x 23w 2700k
Light Cycle: 24/0 From Seed
Soil: Schultz Potting Soil Plus
Water: Distilled
PH: 6.2
Airflow: 10' Fan

^^^^ Fast Pine
^^^ Big Bang

2wks 4days Fast Pine
1wk 5days Big Bang // Shes Outside in the dirt already!

will update as they grow!!


Well-Known Member

Big Bang!!! Put her outside May 1st 2010! (Southern Ontario)

^^^^ Still Big Bang Outside!!

Fast pine !!! shes hurting bad!! lights fell on her!! :( making a slow recovery!!

Fastpine Shes missing the left lower Leaf!! when the lights fell it damaged it too bad!!


Fastpine , Shes showing signs of recovery!!!

Fastpine she was leaning!!

Fastpine Lower Middle you can see where the branch was!!!


Active Member
Heh, I had a light drop on what is now my healthiest girl, she was knocked right out of her pot and looked proper crooked afterwards. Right now she is a little over 2 weeks ahead of being chopped and big, fat, healthy girl. Trust in nature and recovery will be just fine, I'm sure :)


Well-Known Member

^^^My 2 bluberry Lowryders

^^^Big Bang, I put her outside May 1st, then we had a week of 0° weather, she stretched, and has stunted growth, so I brought her back inside!

^^^ Fast Pine, shes my best one!!! about 4ishwks! Front Side

^^^^ Fast Pine
, her rear side! you can see all the new growth coming in!! shes Short and Fat...


Well-Known Member
they've been under 12/12 for the past 9 days!
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Fast Pine Developed for outdoor climates in Ont.. Gets very bushy and generally large when given plenty of space.
End of harvest falls in the mid-September but as is often the case it can also withstand small periods of frost which happens at the end of September.

@5wks My Fast pine!!! shes getting bushy fast!!

@4ish weeksBig bang possible female??

Big Bang : shes tall and lengthy, she was grown outside from seed back in end of April early May.


Well-Known Member
my big bang before she goes back outside to Veg!

the CFLs really pulled her back together from the outdoors!!



Well-Known Member
2nd week Into Flowering!

My Fast Pine
Its alittle too humid! Ive added couple more fans!



Well-Known Member
End of the 5th week!

I did some defoliation, smells like red grape fruit! All Images are High Res



Well-Known Member
end of the 7th week, not sure when i should harvest please help!

the first 3 pictures you can see the trichromes are turning amber most of the rest are cloudy, but there is still alot of white hairs that havent turned brown yet!! not sure what to do.
