my first cfl grow w/ pics..... any suggestions?

I can't open the pics up cause my stood eris doesn't know how but I take it it using a pc case. I think the absolute lowest wattage u want is 50 watts per. Plant so id double the amount of light u have the sell y adapters at home depot for 2 bucks a peice. Or if you can fit a 125 watt in there do that. But there about 40 bucks for the light. Also I think mollassas really helps that young.


Well-Known Member
get the plants set up so the lights approx., 1-2 inches fro the top. mollasses is generally not started till the begining of flowering. 1 tbl sp per gallon of water. do you have a fan blowing on the plants yet? you will need to transplant soon. for vegging you'll be ok w/what youve got but i'd add more, more ligh=more energy=more growth. for flower a good number to shoot for is either 40w a sq ft or 10,000 lumens a square feet. youve got what looks to be the start of a nice little microgrow cabinet, now you just gotta pound out the little stuff.


Hello all.. an up to date on my first cfl grow. My main plant is flourshing now the nodes are close together. i was thinking about cutting the top to try to clone it and to see if it will split into tow different stems but am inexpierenced any advice would would help with that subject. My other worry is that my plant looks a little droopy. i only nute it about once a week right now with 1/4 concentrate. i water when ever the soil is dry down to two to three inches.... but... it seems to be dry every day is that normal should i wait another day??..... i have included pics that show my plant under the cfl's are they too close too far away?? i am using 7 26watt cfl's. I am also using one 120 cfm fan. but other than that i think its going pretty good so far... oh yeh i was interested in Lst.... is my plant still two small/ young???? any info on that subject is also greatly appreciated once again ty all from RIU : )



Well-Known Member
i used to advocate the sticking your finger in the dirt and feel method, but i was stupid. lol, their is an easy way-(step 1 can probally be skipped but it might make it easier on you to tell the first few times till you get the hang of it.)1.- find a pot the size of the one youve got your plants in. 1.5-fill it with soil- pack it in their a little bit, but not too much. step 2. lift your pot up and compare the weights of the 2. also make a mental note on how heavy the pot feels after a good watering.hope this made sense, im kinda rambling on, lol, its easy when you get the hang of it.