My First Cfl Grow In The Process!


Active Member
nice man, way to not post those visa numbers with that joint haha. my dealer for the last 2 years was actually my boss from work haha, she hooked it up! Still buy from her even though we both don't work together anymore. However, we are talking about starting up a cafe/headshop here so that when dispensaries are legal we have a setup and can start right in without losing time. Another reason why I am growing, free weed, i don't have to worry about who grows the stuff I am smoking, and it just might lead to being a dispensary supplier in a couple of years.
thats cool.... if i ever have a boss id love that king of relationship !!!!!!!we have pretty much the same reasons for growing :P


Active Member
How are them babies doing??
theyre great!!! heres some pics...(i made hash oil and took a pic of it, and decided to put my "dying plant" into a DWC (hydro thing with bubbals(bubbles))see if it would help it grow faster, and it fucking helped a lot !!!!!!!

im wondering if i should put in my second plant..... ill wait a bit before that happens... im so proud ! i made a simple hydroponic system lol !
well here are pics !ENJOY some pedo-canna-porn !:eyesmoke:bongsmilie



Active Member
care to explain his you set up your DWC? Been looking into doing DWC but haven't looked too much yet into setting something up. Good to hear everything is going well, looks good to me!


Active Member
care to explain his you set up your DWC? Been looking into doing DWC but haven't looked too much yet into setting something up. Good to hear everything is going well, looks good to me!
yeah sure, i bought a cheap 20 dollar airpump,some tubing,some liquide nutes (hopefully it works) a 8 liter container(or something like that),and an i basicaly cut a hole it the lid of the container for where i put my plant(i used Styrofoam as a holder)and a hole the size of the tubing.... then i put the airstone in the container filled with water and some nutes, plugged the airstone to the tube, then plug the tube to the airpump, and thats pretty much it...(i think it took me less time to put it together than mix the soil withperlite/peatmoss lol
well ill show u some pics ill get my camera man... hope it helps, peace


Active Member
thanks man. seems simple enough to put together. Gonna be keeping an eye on that too and see how it works for you.
yeah, its cuz at first i didnt really know it was a DWC... i just picked some random crap at walmart and i turned out to do that....the cool thing is that it cost me 20$ for the pump,3$ for 8ft tube, and 4$ for the air stone,and 4$ for the nutes :P around 35$ with tax.....
ill try to improve it a bit later,but for now, im just exploring the wonders of DWC :P


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle of my first DWC grow right now. I picked up an 18 gallon tote for 4 bucks at walmart. I have 2 airpumps, both under 10 bucks...I'd be down for 8 litres as a cloner, but I have 2 plants in my tub and I wish I only had one...haha...they grow so big once you get things dialed in, it's pretty awesome. I'm sold on the DWC, but I also set mine up a little more thoroughly than you did. I went out and bought 3.75 inch netpots, hydroton, and actual hydro nutes (DynaGro, cheap and they KICK ASS!).
Growing hydro is so much easier than soil. As I said in the past, I used to roll with a cheap gravity fed system (gallon jug elevated from plants with tubing to tray) and had excellent results. I used perlite as one medium and styrofoam as the other. I find that it is much easier to change the ph or decrease or add nutrients because you water it more frequently. Checking the PH of the water you use will be more important than checking the ph of the grow medium. I wish I could go back to hydro but my grow has to be stealthy so my wife does not find it. I'll definetly be checking on this thread more often to see how it does. My prediction is that your slow growing plants will take off to the moon!!!!


Active Member
Growing hydro is so much easier than soil. As I said in the past, I used to roll with a cheap gravity fed system (gallon jug elevated from plants with tubing to tray) and had excellent results. I used perlite as one medium and styrofoam as the other. I find that it is much easier to change the ph or decrease or add nutrients because you water it more frequently. Checking the PH of the water you use will be more important than checking the ph of the grow medium. I wish I could go back to hydro but my grow has to be stealthy so my wife does not find it. I'll definetly be checking on this thread more often to see how it does. My prediction is that your slow growing plants will take off to the moon!!!!
thanks for visiting !!!!for the next week ill have to be careful, because i currently dont have a ph meter....(i know how important it is hydro) so i have to wait a week until i buy one... fking paycheck ! lol but i really hope they do rocket "to the moon" !!!!