My first Cfl Grow. 45 into Flowering.


Active Member
Hey everyone this is my first cfl grow. I wasnt to sure how high i should put my expectations but at the moment the plants are amazing "knock on wood" Any Questions / comments are appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, was wondering how many cfl's, wattage, spectrum, etc... Very nice looking, strain? Nutes, soil? How long did you veg? Peace


Active Member
No specific genetics. I started with 10 and ended up with two females. I wasnt sure how well CFL's actaully worked. The one on the right is from a friend of mines outdoor homegrown from last season.
Here is the CFL that i am using its pushing 4200 lumens.



Active Member
I used all Foxfarm Nut's ( Grow big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom) I used their feeding sequence and only veg'd for 25 days These plants are only 60 sum days old.
Light spectrum i have just started reading into and realize smaller wattage CFl's are better while veg and higher wattage are better for Flowering. I have many changes to make since ive started due to me researching more and brain storming new ideas.

Hope that answers your ? Dunkin73


Well-Known Member
what i mean is ive got a 250w 6400k cfl for veg and a 250w 2700k cfl for bud. same power different colour light. and it works perfect for 4 plants especialy in me 2x2.5x4ft grow cab.


Well-Known Member
HPS this HPS that bla bla bla cfls are shit this that and the other..........250w CFLs can produce some unreal bud infact so can the 200s/150s and 125s if used to full potential (in a good reflector). and a 250w costs me less than £2.50 a week to run. however i wudnt really bother with the small cfls just the big ones like the foot long ones designed to mount in a reflector.

peace . .


Active Member
Ok well i literally bought the biggest Cfl i could find that had the most lumens out of all others these things are big.
Your saying they're are bigger ones that you can put in a reflector ?

Im going to be starting a new Grow and i need to get this one right i have bought feminized and am ready to now get serious so if you can give me some helpful tips i would greatly appreciate it !


Well-Known Member
theres lots ov makes ond sellers they come in 125/150/200/250/300w veg/bud and dual spectrum colours theyre like a foot long and 6" wide. my 250w cost me £35 to buy.

chek me next post for a link for info u can get some bad ass reflectors for these aswel just think what a 250/300w cfl actualy works out to in terms of overall output its gooooooooooood man


Well-Known Member
just google this, envirolite 250w cfl. theres lots ov makes ond sellers they come in 125/150/200/250w veg/bud and dual spectrum colours theyre like a foot long and 6" wide. my 250w cost me £35 to buy.
look on here if u want to see the range ov bulbs or reflectors
like this 300w i just found on there its sorry . they 10 times bigger than they look. think what your smaller cfl does and x your luminens by 5. tellin u man theese cfls are actually designed for growing yours are designed to be hung in an attik as a normal light



Active Member
See i just looked into that website and their from the UK which i take it you are also ?
But their ordering information says nothing about U.S. so i dont think that will work and finding these CFL bulbs has proven to be hard.


Well-Known Member
See i just looked into that website and their from the UK which i take it you are also ?
But their ordering information says nothing about U.S. so i dont think that will work and finding these CFL bulbs has proven to be hard.
They sell them on ebay i got my first one from there.type in grow lamps and look about,
heres my current grow see how bright that bulb is