My First CFL Closet Grow, let me know what you think.

i used 8 23 w 100w Equivelent 2700k Lumen CFL's and Two flourescent Tubes for front and back lighting but i would have to say it was better to one of the plants than the other so after this test run with the CFL's they are great!!! (and i had my doubt's going in but i was proven wrong the CFL's are capable of producing dense and sticky buds and quality smoke but i would for sure use 8 of the above mentioned CFL per plant bare minimum but to get what i got and to only have had to spend about 40 dollars i'd say thats pretty good huh? lol also just looked at your set-up and you did a much better job than me lol good job but my grow was just about as ghetto as it gets lol
Scope and 3 in one PH/Moisture/Light Meter on the way to the house now will update with pics of the trich's and other data as soon as it gets here which will be in a little bit so stay tuned lots of great pics to come of the big lady.
i just thought about this but i hope the store doesnt close before i get there to get the the 3 in one meter !!!!! if not i'll have that tomarrow but definately will have trich pics up tonight
ok got the scope will have those trich pics up today after lights come on hopefully they turn out good gonna try and get a few test pics on the previous harvest so i can master it b4 the big debut of the big lady lol

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
try cutting a small leaf close to the bud off, then you can just lay in on the table and get a better look at it with better lighting. looks cool tho.