My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
Plants all look great, its easy to see the work you have put in.
Flowering, while beautiful, was the hardest part of the waiting for me.
If you are lucky and cautious nothing much happens, and they will just keep getting bigger.
Pays off too in the end :weed: Photos are great as well.
Thanks for the update :joint:

thanks alto for all the kind words, yes they really start to show off the true love when flowering hit... i love it everyday i can notice the changes :mrgreen: i plan on takin some more pics tonight and maybe re-arranging them in different spots but hopefully ill get them posted if not ill def get them posted tomorrow... i can't wait for these babies to finish up!!!
no problem for the update thanks for this awesome site!!! keep up the good work as well alto, ill be stoppin by later to check out your grow, take it easy,,, peace :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Mine Hermied! i dont know if I told ya or you saw my post but a buncha balls showed up!
holy shit no kiddin TAEM thats gay, i wonder why??? i haven't had a chance really to check today but ill catch up on it tommorow... i hope mine don't decide to do that to me ill be pissed!!! :evil: well we'll see how it goes, good luck, peace


Well-Known Member
ok so heres some new pics that i snapped right before i went to bed last night. hope u like them lemme know what ya think, don't be afraid to leave a comment or tip...:blsmoke:

pics 1-2 = plant #1
pics 3-4 = Plant #2
pics 5-6 = plant #3
pics 7-8 = Plant #4
pics 9-10 = Plant #5
pics 11-12 = plant givin to by friend, little small i know but i dont have anywhere else to set up a little veg area for it but o well i will hopefuly soon enough.
pics 13 -14 = plant #6
pics 15-16 = plant #7
pics 17-18 = Plant #8
Pics 19-20 = plant #7's buds with a magnifying glass, i haven't figured it out completely but ill get some better macro shots with that later on when i develop the skills...
Pic 21 is of the entire crop in one shot...they are getting so big and starting to smell, i sealed my bedroom door with some shit so no air can get out unless the door is open, which i want...i lock my bedroom door everyday and its open whenever i am home to allow for cool air from my air conditioner in my living room to get back to my bedroom... i use box fans to push the air to my back bedroom and into the gro closet, every since i have done this it never gets hotter then 85 and usually stays at about 80-82 not too bad, it depends on how cold i have the AC set to...

pic 22 is of the bong i ordered on tuesday i believe.. it should be here today... i also ordered some salvia, 5 grams of 10x extract, i don't really care for it too much but my GF has never tried it and the weed is really shitty up here and too much for my likin so hopefully that can hold me off until i get home on friday then i can pick up some green!!! :weed:

lemme know what u think, sorry kinda long but needed a good update..:blsmoke::peace:



Well-Known Member
Looking awesome as ever, some of the close-ups remind me of peyote buttons w/ the fuzzy centers.
Cool bong, but salvia, ugh.
If you don't have any yet, you'll be wanting some of the purple bong cleaning solution for that new toy.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Looking awesome as ever, some of the close-ups remind me of peyote buttons w/ the fuzzy centers.
Cool bong, but salvia, ugh.
If you don't have any yet, you'll be wanting some of the purple bong cleaning solution for that new toy.:peace:

thanks for stoppin in again bigguy your ladies look damn sexy as always...ummm that would be cool peyote buttons lol, idk what strain it is its from some good bagseed i had saved, cant wait to see what they'll look like after they are all done, mmmm yours too brotha, yeah i know salvia isn't for me but green is pretty scarce up here and ppl pay 60$ bucks for a quater of schwag!!! i couldn't believe my ears when i heard that i about had a heart attack, i will never pay that much ever!!! plus the schwag here is really damn dirty and nasty thats why i got the bong, but hopefully when my crop is done i won't have to worry about anything except purky fat buds lol, plus the girls never tried it so i thought i would give it a wirl, sometin to do when you run outta weed i guess, what purple bong cleaner are ya talkin about ive used the 420 shit on my other pieces and that seems to work pretty good, lemme know if ya can think of the name, thanks for stoppin in man, happy growin always a pleasure talkin to fellow growers, peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Kids are looking good as always :peace:+:leaf:
Thought I would stop by for a peek
Keep up the care and swag will be a thing of the past

I never want to even try Salvia
just that I've been there, done that (was the 70s and we had the real deal, no 20 min trips)
Started to harvest my grow, (I will have pictures up in a day or so).


Well-Known Member
Kids are looking good as always :peace:+:leaf:
Thought I would stop by for a peek
Keep up the care and swag will be a thing of the past

I never want to even try Salvia
just that I've been there, done that (was the 70s and we had the real deal, no 20 min trips)
Started to harvest my grow, (I will have pictures up in a day or so).

i hope so i don't even wanna think about schwag unless its my last option, damn wish salvia was like that today it might be a little better then instead of only 5 mins tops, i can't wait to see the ladies, ill stop in tomorrow i got a little busy today didn't have too much time to check everyones grows out, but tomorrow should work out, good luck with the harvest...peace out


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! :joint::peace:

I got some pics from yesterday! As you can tell they are screaming for more light and have a slight case of nute burn. Both problems already solved. 2 bulb 2 foot T5 High Output on the way and they are only being taken care of with pure water. I'm going to give them some super thrive again to prepare for the transplant on Sat/Sun. They had been taking the nutes really well... The one that gave them the slight burn was 3 teaspoon per gallon. I'm having to move my lights higher every two days!

Now to the good stuff:mrgreen:

pic 1 - AN INTRUDER!!
pic 2 - haven't even been using the AC lately...
pic 4 - the only one with a name yet.. darth vader.. big bud
pic 7 - couldn't get it to focus right but wanted to show the slanty stems
pic 9 - beatiful bubble gum :)
pic 10 - bag seed plant, notice the leaf that turned because lack of light.. on how it has a little finger to it..the other bag seed plant has the same thing!
pic 11 - genetic is cool!
pic 14 - TS
pic 17 - nute burn, i thinks?
pic 19 - tip burn
last pic - to show how far lights are above... then today some where only an inch at most away!

- peace out! -



Well-Known Member
oh my god man i totally thought this was my journal!

i was meaning to hit this thread up next so i might as well just do it now

i have some 15x standardized salvia and it puts me into a whole new dimension... merged with multiple objects at once, out of body, black hole vortexes... mescaline allowed to me to feel infinity and was a much calmer experience. A salvia trip is like an entire mushroom trip crammed into 5 minutes. I have really taken an interest in the experiences people have because there is a great deal of consitency. These plants are causing random firings in the brains...they are here for a reason :)

everyone have a good 4th of july!


Well-Known Member
thanks for stoppin in again focus always good to see ya around... as for the update i will probably take some more pics tonight or tomorrow depends on how i feel... i didn't get around to the pics last night becuase there was a friend in town that i havent seen for a while so thought i would hang out for a while this can wait a lil bit longrer lol...

but neways when i watered them last night i had to kinda hold the other plants back with my arm and my whole foreare was so sticky from all the resin glands that i had touched while holding the plants back for watering... it was crazy i thought i had hunny all up my arm lol...

but the plants look amazing really starting to produce good lookin buds i think thats while ill get some pics for ya guys and get them up here hopefully by tomorrow...neways everybody have a good one... peace out


Well-Known Member
Lmao at Focus...

Can't wait to see updates, I still got mine going n its looking halfway decent actually.

I dont know if the hermie shit went away or what but im glad!


Well-Known Member
Lmao at Focus...

Can't wait to see updates, I still got mine going n its looking halfway decent actually.

I dont know if the hermie shit went away or what but im glad!
i know focus might have been a little outta focus at the time of the post lmao... but its all good i don't care and can completely understand haha

i looked at your shit its doin really good especially for only a 70w hps not to shabby my brotha, my plants are swelling up like crazy now... sorry i don't have any pics today but i was really tired after this movie i went to so i didn't really have time to snap any shots but will soon here in the next couple o days for sure...

on another note, my bong came in today!!! OMG i thought the wait was gonna kill me haha, but at least its here before my harvest :hump:

its red instead of blue like in the picture though but i don't care, its still bad ass, it also came with a free mini bubbler and a mini spoon, which isn't bad at all considering my bong is 18in tall and some pretty thick glass...

i ordered it from incase anyone is wonderin, any orders over 99$ recieve a free mini bubbler and mini spoon, also any order over 29$ i think is free shippin, so i got all that for 169.00 which is a good deal imo.. ill get some pics up of everything and show ya probably tonight or tomorrow now since i have internet at home so i don't have to steal it here at work lol.. well thanks for stoppin in ttyl peace


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking good with the bushy plants so far! Keep up the good work. That resins hardcore bro, to the point where it felt like honey you say? Sick man! Hope they grow to be an uber dank smoke!

Dirty Kid


Well-Known Member
:joint::mrgreen: i was toasted then and i'm toasted now! i have updated a lot less lately cuz i havent had much free time and when i get free time i get high and do nothing!:peace: i'm sure it is different over there peace, but i got me two different legit cali weed dubs this week already! the first stuff had a nice piney taste...i found one seed and it is already germin:roll: tonight got a half o cali regs for a good price and some hash!! fifty for one gram tho! i can't wait to do it...

i've looked at everyones plants and its amazing how different our setups can be... i been lookin at apartments last 2 days and i can not find a single one that would be good to grow... sure found some with lots of space and am considering a 2 bed room..but how would i get fresh air in and odorless are out...i know all the gimmicks, but i'm probably going to have to throw down a nice chunk of my paycheck. I have this one place that has like huge walk 5x10 6' high.. so how the fuck would I vent? It is not in one of the bed rooms... What if I panda plasticed it 2/3 grow area 1/3 vent area and regually opened the door? Don't mean to take over your thread, but you guys is making me jealous and sad!

so there... two posts in a row where i should have used my journal haha jk

i promise my next posts of pics will be good!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking good with the bushy plants so far! Keep up the good work. That resins hardcore bro, to the point where it felt like honey you say? Sick man! Hope they grow to be an uber dank smoke!

Dirty Kid
yea for sure felt like honey or some sort of sticky drink got spilled on my arm and dried, this is new to me as this is my first grow so its pretty cool what u learn along the way... thanks for the kind words man, they are doin very good, check it out...peace

:joint::mrgreen: i was toasted then and i'm toasted now! i have updated a lot less lately cuz i havent had much free time and when i get free time i get high and do nothing!:peace: i'm sure it is different over there peace, but i got me two different legit cali weed dubs this week already! the first stuff had a nice piney taste...i found one seed and it is already germin:roll: tonight got a half o cali regs for a good price and some hash!! fifty for one gram tho! i can't wait to do it...

i've looked at everyones plants and its amazing how different our setups can be... i been lookin at apartments last 2 days and i can not find a single one that would be good to grow... sure found some with lots of space and am considering a 2 bed room..but how would i get fresh air in and odorless are out...i know all the gimmicks, but i'm probably going to have to throw down a nice chunk of my paycheck. I have this one place that has like huge walk 5x10 6' high.. so how the fuck would I vent? It is not in one of the bed rooms... What if I panda plasticed it 2/3 grow area 1/3 vent area and regually opened the door? Don't mean to take over your thread, but you guys is making me jealous and sad!

so there... two posts in a row where i should have used my journal haha jk

i promise my next posts of pics will be good!
um from what i heard focus ppl have used the walk in closet and like it and they say it works good from what i hear, sometimes you cant have the best set up and just kinda have to deal with what ya got... which is what im doin just a lil bit of my closet and some fans... i have an exhaust fan pullin air outta the hood and into my bedroom.. so its really what kinda crazy contraption or setup could u come up with brah im sure you could think of sometin, and if not take some pics and maybe we can all throw some suggestions at ya man.

damn wish we had some medical dubbed shit around here, but thats alright im sure ill be happy with my shit lol..take it easy focus and let us know about the housing situation brah...peace out :peace:


Active Member
this is a very nice grow you got going on. i really love the pic of the bong, hopefully it smokes as well as it looks:peace:


Well-Known Member
this is a very nice grow you got going on. i really love the pic of the bong, hopefully it smokes as well as it looks:peace:
thanks bairdy the nice words are much appreciated... yeah dude check out my update here in a sec you can acually see mine, its red instead of blue but i don't care its still badass... yea me too it seems like its gonna smoke real nicely.. it also came with a free mini bubbler and mini spoon and 3 glass screens... i gave the mini spoon to my gf because she doesn't have a pipe and was ordering one but her mom kept it instead so i just decided to give her this one, i have no use for it i have two other ones and i hardly use those as it is, but i love the mini bubbler, so small and compact yet a great water filetered smoke :weed:...yummy yeah dude stay tuned the update with new pics is gonna be on as soon as i get done uploadin them and shit...peace bairdy thanks for stoppin by and happy growin..:peace:


Well-Known Member
alright so i finally got around to snappin some pics and getting them up on here for u guys to check out and see how they are doing.. i think they are doin really good but for sure would like some other opinions... i have also recently found gnats in my room again!!!! These little fuckers piss me off so i strung a new sticky fly trap thing to the ceiling, and sprayed the top soil with insecticidal soap... im gonna water with some mosquito dunk soaked water tonight probably and see what else i can do, they aren't too bad right now but defineitly need to be taken care of... let me know if ya guys got any suggestions as to take care of this problem, but neways here they are!!! :)

pics 1-3 plant 7
pics 4-6 plant 8
pics 7-10 plant 5
pics 11-13 plant 6
pics 14-17 plant 4
pics 18-19 plant 3
Pics 20-23 plant 1
pics 24-26 plant 2

the rest of the pics are just some random shots i pulled all the ladies outta the grow op to breath some fresh air instead of bein couped up in there all the time... and cleaned them up of all the dead leaves fallin and shit, theres a pic or two of my new bong, its red instead of blue but i really dont care its still sweet and dont wanna send it back at all... then after those pics are just some random bud porn pics i figured i still had the camera out and thought i would snap some for ya guys... let me know what u think... peace out



Well-Known Member
alright so i had too many pics to fit into one post so here are the rest of them...lemme know what ya think..peace

