My first attempt at growing

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
That was way to funny... The wife say the hole thing pumpkin and all. And said that we should be locked up... And left the room laughing her ass off.!!! Man that was a good one.

But kalbasa does have that curve in it.!!!

@bw the pic is missing, cant see anything on this end for the db roadtrip post.!!! ??? Db.~tlb! :)

again i will smile for the day. Thank you!

There ya go DB!


da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
H.H.M what's up with you's the girl's looking after you choped thare head's cool that's going to0 be nice not have to bye weed..da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
the canned ones are doing fine I guess... first time through this... My third plant feels like it is pretty much ready to jar up.. probably going to handle that tomorrow or thursday.


Well-Known Member
a lil trip down memory lane while we wait for these lil to get ready to be smoked!

Remember this lil new born??

everybody playing together in their new playground!

then christmass came early for the girls and they got a upgrade on their playground!

they sooo loved their new digs!

growing out of their training bras into the real shoulder boulder holders! what a proud day it was!!

sooo bushy!! a beautiful thing to watch happen!!

ahhhh I just love family photos!!



Well-Known Member
Im gonna put my last plant in jars this afternoon. It took about a week longer to dry than the other two did, but it has reacted diffrently to almost everything in this grow.. Ill post with pics.


Well-Known Member
I just went to the grow room to start clipping the last hanging plant. I gave the buds a lil squeeze and they still feel a lil spongy, and the stems dont have the snap they had yesterday. I didnt check but maybe two stems yesterday. Im thinking they can go a lil longer... having never done this before Im not completly sure that I am making the right desicion but Im sure that yall will point me in the right direction if I need it..


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I just went to the grow room to start clipping the last hanging plant. I gave the buds a lil squeeze and they still feel a lil spongy, and the stems dont have the snap they had yesterday. I didnt check but maybe two stems yesterday. Im thinking they can go a lil longer... having never done this before Im not completly sure that I am making the right desicion but Im sure that yall will point me in the right direction if I need it..

hell yeah man!!!! Go with your gut homie!!!



Well-Known Member
I just smoked a joint from each plant that I have jarred up, they didnt have much smell in the jar, but when I ground it had a very nice smell.. The joint burned nice and even only had to relight when it was left alone for a good minute.. Not much taste not bad or harsh but not the strong taste I would like to have, Im sure that will come with the cure. the high is a Nice lofty heady high.. crept a bit also.. been nice an high a good hour for now. Im very happy with this! very proud!! Thanks to all of you have helped me along the way with great advise and encouragment! The tlb pops another cherry!!!
