my first attempt - 2010 outdoor grow!!! @@@


Active Member
ok all please bare with me, as this is my FIRST time growing.
These are my strains ( some are just germinating )
1. Bagseed (female)
2. Sour Cream (feminized)
3. Rocklock (feminized)
4. Sharksbreathe (feminized)
5. White Widow (regular)
6. Purple Widow (regular)
7. Walkabout (regular)
8. Top Skunk 44 (regular)
9. Papaya (regular)
10. Original Skunk #1 (regular)
11. Ice (regular)
12. Early Durban (regular)
13. Bubblelicious (regular)
14. Master Kush (regular)

As of now, all of them are in a paper towel germinating, so far the sharksbreathe, white widow, sour cream, rocklock, and original skunk #1 have developed mini tap roots. I have a bagseed that is about 45 days old already outside, I have 3 plants going near it, I have not decided which ones yet. I have no pictures as of now, but tomorrow morning I will. Keep in touch!
Any advice would help, but I will learn from my mistakes, no worries.


Well-Known Member
my advice would be to try not to get overly ambitious on your first grow. grow what you can afford to take care of well and you will not end up in dissapointment. i got a little crazy my second season and had nothing but a disaster i wasnt prepaired for all the hard work and i grew up in gardens. so take it easy and take good care of what you can rather than half assed care of all of them. im not saying you are going to be a bad grower but i dont grow much more than 15-20 myself and i have much more than i can take care of most years. dont know what your personal life is like but doing things proper requires money and time. good luck dude hope i didnt come of harsh. i dont want you overwhelmed. i just noticed most are regs so you will not have as many as i thought i was thinking clones for some reason-burnt. but still take good care of your plants and you will be happy. keep some updates going bro.


Well-Known Member
my advice would be to try not to get overly ambitious on your first grow. grow what you can afford to take care of well and you will not end up in dissapointment. i got a little crazy my second season and had nothing but a disaster i wasnt prepaired for all the hard work and i grew up in gardens. so take it easy and take good care of what you can rather than half assed care of all of them. im not saying you are going to be a bad grower but i dont grow much more than 15-20 myself and i have much more than i can take care of most years. dont know what your personal life is like but doing things proper requires money and time. good luck dude hope i didnt come of harsh. i dont want you overwhelmed. i just noticed most are regs so you will not have as many as i thought i was thinking clones for some reason-burnt. but still take good care of your plants and you will be happy. keep some updates going bro.
Sodalite pretty much covered it.

A lot of plants die because the grower got greedy or overly ambitious.


Active Member
Well sodalite, I pretty much have no life. I live in the middle of nowhere, have TONS of free time. No job, no school. So this is actually something I do to spare the free time, you know? I find it quite fun, no joke.


thats a shit load of kootah plants for a first grow man!!! ive seen pictures of sharksbreath and have nearly made a mess hahaha. great selection mate:)


Active Member
well dam i didn't even order the fem ones, the store hooked em up for free. haha and they were really nice seeds.


Well-Known Member
oooo cant wait to see some pics for this grow. yeah i always have atmost 10 plants. i have 2 that are 2 weeks away 3 that just flowered and 3 that are going to be giant! i cant wait to watch your plants grow just as mine will too!


Active Member
ill post pics tomorrow of the bagseed I already have growing. plus maybe my sour cream will sprout by morning, never know. :)


awsome:) i wish it was hydro! then we'd only have to wait 2 and a bit months for it to be done hahah. owell it should be great anyway man. Im 2 weeks into flower at the moment with my ocean pearl, shes starting to get frosty little tips im loving it:)


Active Member
nice man, i'm glad for you D:. heres all I could get, my camera died after the first pic! (haha look at the shadow) this is a bagseed that's about 40 days old, and has been outside since DAY 1.. and obviously loving it!g 019.jpg a little taller than a foot. mmm


Active Member
Ice, bubblelicious, and master kush just went in the ground, sour cream and sharksbreathe are in cups. White widow and purple widow going in cups next, taproot is only about half an inch atm. Early durban hasnt even begun, it's a strong seed though I can tell. all of the others have barely broke seed. Keep in touch.


Active Member
Alright. So... Ice, Master Kush, Sourcream, Sharksbreath, White Widow, and Papaya have all sprouted and are nice and green :). Rock lock and OG Skunk #1 were fail seeds. I'm expecting purple widow and bublelicious to come up tomorrow for sure, top 44 and early durban maybe 2 more days, they were planted last. Papaya might die, I fucked up >.<
I will post pics soon.. but it doesn't really seem like anybody's interested :/


Active Member
I will post pics soon.. but it doesn't really seem like anybody's interested :/
What you mean no one is intersted? I just read a few of the above posts and sounds like people seem to be interested in your grow to me....I know I am, ALWAYS LOVE TO SEE ANOTHERS GROW! I track the progress.... it helps to keep me motivated through all the work that goes into growing! Keep the updates coming man...

BTW.... how much FREE time do you really have? Just asking cause your about to find out what its like to maintain such a large grow bro! BEST of LUCK to ya....I'll keep checking back for your reports man!



Wow! I hope for your sake it all doesnt ripen at the same time. I see a lot of grooming ahead for you enjoy


Active Member
soo i was looking.. and white widow stem has white crystals all over it! :O
no others do..
also.. master kush has a purple fucking leaf thing. man im trippin or something.


Active Member
even if.. that's fine if they do. I've been thinking.. how the hell am i gonna cure/dry this! hmm
Check this out bro.... I cant say enough about some good cured bud for my taste Im a connoisseur and though i may only be bout 26 yo....I know how to cure and dry some good bud man:

After months of risk, commitment and hard work, the crop has been harvested. It&#8217;s too late now to correct any mistakes done during the flowering, but it is never too late to improve the flavour and the high of your buds by implementing a controlled drying and curing process.
Drying is as important as growing, and a bad drying process can ruin even the best buds. Curing is a painfully long but necessary step towards the highest possible quality of the smoke. Most commercial growers do not cure their crop; they just dry it and sell it. But for the real connoisseur, curing is the essence of it all, the culminating moment towards the perfect result.

Drying marijuana means reducing the water content of the buds to 10-15%, depending on the desired crispiness of the final product. This can be achieved in many different ways, but the best method is to use a climate-controlled room. The room must be lit using special green fluorescent tubes (laboratory light, of the special green spectrum that does not affect plant material). The temperature and the humidity must be constantly controlled and adjusted, and the air exchange exactly calibrated to the desired volume. In an ideal situation, you want to let most of the moisture evaporate from the bud in the first 3 days, and then the process should slow down. In the first three days, a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 55% will ensure that the buds get to roughly 30-40% water content. From this moment on, the temperature should drop a few degrees down to 18 Celsius and the relative humidity should rise to 60% to slow down the drying process. This allows the chlorophyll and other substances to leave the buds through evaporation with the water. If the drying is too fast the chlorophyll will stay, and the smoke will have a bitterer taste, and a green aftertaste. The volume of air exchanged in the room is also critical. Do not exceed 10% of the total volume every hour, or it will be too fast. Use a timer and an open/closed duct-fan to regulate air intake and extraction. In total, the drying process should take around 10 to 14 days for a perfect taste.
Taste is not the only variable affected by the drying process. The longer the drying, the more THC will degrade into CBN and other cannabinoids. Therefore even in the same strain, the effect will slightly change from higher to more stoned, from uplifting to more physical. The difference between drying 10 days and 14 days is not very evident to the novice, but it is a world of difference to the connoisseur.
After drying, commercial growers package the crop. They usually like to dry the buds to 15% water content; this results in a heavier product (more water equals more money). Connoisseurs, on the other hand, like their bud between 12 and 10% water content because the flavour improves and the weed burns better. If the buds are to be smoked pure, lower water content is preferable (down to 8% for good burning). On the contrary, when weed has to be vaporized, it is best to leave a higher water content (12 to 15%) to prevent easy combustion of smaller particles at vaporization temperature. So, after the drying is finished, the connoisseurs will still dedicate a month or two to curing. Curing weed corresponds to ageing a good wine. If the weed quality is average, it is not worth the effort and waiting necessary for curing it. On the contrary, if the buds are high grade it is well worth waiting a little longer to get the best out of it.
Curing cannabis means packaging it in a wooden box or cardboard box, pressing it slightly so that some of the trichomes break and some of the resin oils and terpenes spread over the surface of the buds. Some growers like to cure their bud in air-tight glass jars, but this requires the jar to be opened for a few hours every few days (depending on the environmental factors of the drying room). After packaging it in the chosen way, leave it in a cellar-like environment (18 degrees Celsius, 50% relative humidity and total darkness) for a period of 1 to 2 months. Keep checking regularly to prevent fungus and mould formation from damaging the product. If you smell mould or ammonia, immediately open the containers and allow the bud to dry in a warmer environment for a few hours before continuing the curing process.
Curing is very difficult, and should be tried with small batches first. Once the technique has been mastered, bigger batches can be attempted.
Curing cannabis will increase the intensity of the flavour and will slowly but steadily lower THC in favour of other cannabinoids. The high of cured weed is always deeper and more introspective, almost becoming a meditation and inner-vision tool in some cases. The flavour gets much more complex and refined, gaining in depth as well as in variation of bouquet.
Cured buds always look slightly brownish and have a typical smell, one that real smokers love from the bottom of their soul. Like a very good old wine, there is something unique about a well cured crop.