My First Aerogarden Grow Journal

[email protected]

Active Member
A stab in the dark with my new Aerogarden Deluxe (Larger Lights and Extension).

I have been wanting to grow for years. After glancing at an Aerogarden Add I decided it was time. So I purchased a few different seed sets from 3 online shops thinking that at least one would end up being seized by customs. I received all 3. The first seeds were Californian Orange from Dutch Passions which I purchased through Magic Bus (Legal Highs - Magic Bus Magic Bus). I popped seven of them in the pods and placed the domes over them. They all sprouted..... But one just couldn’t seem to get rid of the seed shell. I started nutes by dropping 2 of the small tablets that came with the AG. Shortly after I read that the AG nutes were I replaced the res with tap water only. Seven days later I have 6 healthy sprouts and the Fox Farm is in the mail. I don’t plan on using the nutes for another seven days. My current setup is in a closet covered with mylar. I have used a large candle warmer to regulate the air temp and I cannibalized a 6 inch CPU fan from my brothers computer to circulate the air. I must say that this has got to be one of the most rewarding hobbies out there. I am constantly reading all applicable posts and getting pretty obsessed with the project. So my plan for now is to get a Homebox ( - universal indoor grow box kit), a six inch inline exhaust fan with scrubber and a decent HID lighting system. I will continue to update and post pics.

[email protected]

Active Member
One of my seedlings is having a hard time. It has developed browning on its leaves. So I clipped of the brown section. Sadly two other seedlings are starting to show the same problem. I think this happened because I used the AG nutes for the first week. I have since replaced the resevoir with tap water only , which is maintaining a Ph of 7. Any Ideas on correcting this problem? I hope they will pull through.


[email protected]

Active Member
I've searched through many threads and it seems like this is a common problem with no good answer. Many cannot get past the first two weeks. I'm going to lower the Ph a little bit.


Active Member
i wish i knew more about the aerogarden and hydro to help you out... i know this can be quite frustrating at times. i was a soil gardener when i used to grow... i think you are on the right track junking the AG tablets in favor of fox farms... botanicare is great too. seedlings definitely dont need much, if any, nutes for 10-14 days. did you put the seeds directly into the AG without germinating them first? if so thats very cool. if you still have some of the cali orange seeds it might be a good idea to start over fresh instead of trying to nurse them back. chalk it up to a learning experience... peace

[email protected]

Active Member
Yes I just placed the seeds in the pod for germination and they all sprouted. I'm very frustrated. When I changed the water today I noticed that the filter also had a red tinge to it. I got some fungicide and a thermometer and will give it another few days before I start again. I'm also running a Hydrofarm Home Garden at the same time with two sprouts. I'm also keeping a journal for that can be found here

Lesson learned:

Don't use AG nutes
No nutes for first two weeks
Get an airstone
Use Ph up and down
Keep an eye on water temperature
Keep the Ph under 7
Don't plant any more than four at a time

As far as the Bulb wattage goes... I have no Idea. I spent a little time googling and didn't find that answer.

[email protected]

Active Member
My Biggest complaint with the Aerogarden has to be the built in pump. It puts out way too much heat. The reservoir temp can get up to 80 if I don't add some Ice during the day.

All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud. You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as the plant has root, bud, and fruit. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Well-Known Member
hey man well im currently growing in the old aerogarden, i used the nutes that came with it, but something for you to try is dont use any nutrients until they get 6-8 inches tall, and when you add or change the water use only distilled. it worked great for me.
im at day 45 of flowering now with my aero. and yea the pump sucks, mine doesnt even work anymore, the roots must have filled it up. we'll see when i harvest if i can fix it.
check out my grow journal if you want, i have everything ive done on it since starting

[email protected]

Active Member
I'm very frustrated. The AG Pump is putting out way too much heat. I have been adding Ice at least twice a day and I am already starting to see a little bit of red algae. I think I'm going to abandon the AG for a while and stick with the Home-garden. So as of now I got four in the Home garden just peeping through the rock wool. Wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
yea dude i have grown with no algae problems, ever. the heat i figure was from the black ag and light just beamin on it all day so i figure thats whats makin it hot. but obviously the developers of ag know the heat issues and it aint a problem. like i said im growin with an ag and never really heard or seen algae problems with it.


Active Member
if i am not mistaking the bulbs are like 27 watt. I have been growing in 2 of them and yes 3-4 plants is very plentyful but also i use the nutes with it and have had no problems, as for the heat it sounds like you might have a defected system


Well-Known Member
hey I think that the water gets hot cause the paper things are off the pods maybe. Noticing on my new grow that it is warm water at lights on and cool at night. It does remain cool once the plant gets older, I can assure you of that.
The plants block the light from heating the water .just a thought on that. Still tho the heat has proven to be no problem on my grows.
although they say the plants like cool water better it is not a requirement. Even dropped a green bean in there that I got from the Grocery store and WOW! now it is vining all over got like five beans for dinner tomorrow cool. ok
Good luck
really hoping you keep going so we can see how they grow with the tall light system
wanna get the tall light upgrade still but want to see results for 100 bucks