Hey guys, me again
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on this thread with you guys. I have been stoked that I finely found somebody doing close to the same thing as me. I just wish I would have found you sooner, because I am going through the same things you did in a bad way. Right now I am at day 1 of week 4 (plant is blue streak hybrid 12 week life, 6 week growth, and 6 week flower). Plant is now in PH corrected water with no nuts, and we are sitting with all fingers crossed hopeing she is going to recover

But we will get to that in a bit.
Let me start with setup. In my first post I gave you a good idea of what I"m working with and what I'm trying to do. I have a pro 100 with a small fan on 1 side (very lightly fanning the plant leaves with air),LED light panel on the other side (fan and LED's switch sides every 24 hour),and AG hood at lowest setting. The blue streak hybrid is only a 2.5ft plant. So at week 3 day 1 . Sprout was 2 and a half inches tall and starting to form branching points 5 and 6. Yes I call her sprout(at least I hope its a her). It looked like I thought it would. It looked good at this point. Sprout was going to be a short fat little girl, and ya know they need lovin to. I should say at this point I had not done much research on line (just for nuts ), and hadn't put much thought into ph. A plant needs water, light ,and air "bingo" your good to go right. Man I just didn't know. I should also add that I have no choice but to use tap water or rain water ( we are now collecting rain water ). I'm in the south east tropics and it rains every day at about 4pm. But for now we are using ph corrected tap water. Also getting bottled water to me is to costly.
That brings us to week 3 day 1 mistake # 2 (Ph was first mistake), (or we could call it Sprouts first feeding ). Yes you could say this did not go good. I got the the bottle of fox farm nuts that every body on line said is good stuff for hydro and I am sure it is. But the bottle is a little miss leading in the directions. When it said to use 4 tbls for 1 gal and I cal the cap at 2 caps full = 1 tbls. This is not good. This is for a 1 gal watering can feeding a plant that is in a pot of dirt once or twice a month . Not for a hydro setup at all (Sprouts first feeding should have been 1tsp to the gal. Not 4 tbls).
Week 3 day 3. Seeing some slight yellowing of the very bottom leaves. Humm.
week 3 day 4 Tips of bottom leaves brown and more yellowing. Double Humm.
Week 3 day 5 A 8th of the bottom leaves brown next set of leaves up not looking good. WTF(time to get on line and double check nuts ) holly chit there way off. I am thinking that the reason I didn't see the yellowing sooner is because the ph was so high that the plant was having a hard time getting the nuts in and it was more a ph thing than a nuts thing. We will see.
Week 3 day 6 AC goes down. Temp at 83F. Not good.
At this point I did a full drain, and clean out. I refilled with tap water to do a flush and said a little prayer for Sprout (not really thinking about ph yet). Later that night I start looking around on line and I find your thread. I love what you have done here. I saw that plant you show in some of the first piks and it looked like Sprout. That's why I thought it might be a BS lowryder. But any way when SICC asked what your ph was, and thought it might be the reason for some of your yellowing. I thought I should check mine. Ok I get this ph tester and some ph up and ph down from the pet shop when I get a chance to get to town.
Week 4 day 1 No change. We have a ph test kit. and can ya guise can ya!!! You bet ya 8.0 (AC still down temp at 83 high humid)
At that point I calibrated a 2L soda bottle 3 drops at a time with ph down until it was at a ph just below 6.0 (24 drops of ph down to a 2L soda bottle of tap water), and once again we did a complete water change with ph corrected water, and no nuts.
And that brings us to this very moment in time. Were my and Sprouts weekend has been very stress filled. So I thought I would take a break, sampled a little more of whats left of the cali sweet tooth and let you guys know whats going on
Also wanted to say thx for getting this thread going. You have helped me a ton.
and as always taking any advice you can give to help my little garden grow. Thx guys
Holy crap I just posted this and didn't realize I typed that much. I do find that sweet tooth inspiring. lol