** My first 600 Watt HPS indoor grow with dank bagseed **

What's up rollitup.

Decided to make a new thread since I am using HPS now (other thread was in CFL section.)

I finally got my new setup and so far so good! This is my first time around so this is all new to me, all tips are appreciated! I'll include pictures from start to where I am now. All suggestions are highly welcomed. :joint:

My specifications:
- over 300+ wattage CFL's for vegging
- Lumatek ballast
- Sunmaster 600 Watt bulb (90,000 lumens)
- Xtrasun open hood reflector
- Surge protector with timer
- Thermometer/humidity device
- all enclosed top to bottom with 95% reflective Mylar
- Working with about 4 feet by 4 feet with about 7.5 feet height (or however tall ceilings are)
- Basic Potting soil (not sure what kind, I snagged some from the mother's house.. Next round of plants I'll be using either fox-farm soil or whatever else is recommended by you guys)
- Foxfarm nutes, growbig for veg and tiger bloom for flower.
- Dank bagseed

This has been quite the experience so far and have been enjoying every minute of it. I am curious to see how much dry weight I will get off my first 2 plants..

Germinated 4 new seeds and already planted 2 that germinated, going to pot the other 2 today in small little pots until I transplant.

I vegged them for about a month and a half.. They are already showing pre-sex before I put them into 12/12. My girls were put into 12/12 light cycle 3/12/2013. Unfortunately, I am having problems with temperature control, it varies from 70-85.. I know, not the best. I am going to try to keep it in the 70/80 range, today I am going to cut out a piece of mylar on the bottom and put a fan in the hole and then have it vent out the top of the encasement on the opposite side to keep air quality good and hopefully better control temps.

I really need flowering tips, so far all I got is wait 2 weeks from 12/12 to start using flowering nutes, and to flush 2 weeks before harvest with only water. I have heard things about giving them a few days of darkness towards the end of the flowering cycle not sure if this is beneficial? Again all tips appreciated.

I need suggestions on what kind of magnifying glass/special instrument thing to purchase to check the trichomes towards the end of flowering so I know when to harvest (supposed to be a cloudy color right?)

Also next time around I am using 5 gallon buckets, how big can I generally expect plants to get in 5 gallons? Hoping I have enough room in my flowering space for 4 plants. Guess we will find out in the future!

And now for the pictures!



Well-Known Member
Everything looks good!

I wouldnt flush for 2 weeks though. 3-5 days is all ill cut nutes and thats mostly to save the nutes not to "flush"

You should be hittin em with more veg nutes but some flower nutes in the transition from veg to flower.

I put them in the dark but its more of my drying process than an actual scientific happening haha.

As for mini microscope if you have an iphone 4/4s grab this one.


If not they have basically the same thing on ebay just without the iphone mount.

Id def got for 5 gal pots next time and learn some topping/LST'ing.

5 gallon buckets are really useful because you can drill into the top ring of then to loop wires/string through for tying down branches and getting better yield

Check out my Kings Kush link below and in one of the more recent updates i LSTd my plants in veg'

Ill take a new picture today and show you a little more detailed description.

Good luck!
Thanks guys.

I don't have a Iphone but my gf does, maybe I can just use hers and buy that off ebay :) I definately plan on LSTing and topping next round, it will be my first attempt so hopefully don't mess it up.

so should I switch to my tiger bloom (flowering) nutes now? Or wait a few more days.


Active Member
I’m not familiar with you line of nutes but I think the general rule would be, use veg and flowering nutes at 12/12 switch for two weeks then cut back on the veg nutes(nitrogen) on the third week. Around 7 weeks no nitrogen at all, but all the while from the third week start pumping the phosphorus, potassium to your girls. Weeks 6 and 7 it’s amazing how much food they can be given without nutrient burn and this will really add on the size, weight and you know about the flush at the end.

I hope all that made sense; here is a really nice handheld microscope that will not only outlast the IPhone 4 but the IPhone Company itself, if you look after it. When you look through the scope at the trichomes, the little mushroom looking things will be clear (7 to week eight) and over time they will turn milky and on to brown/reddish. If you pick your smoke when they turn milky the high will be light and you will still be able to go about your day. The more the trichomes turn brown, the more your smoke will want to put you to sleep or on the couch. The latter will also be harsher on the lungs, try going for 50/50 mix or a little more of the brown.



Active Member
Not too bad.. I'd post this in the indoor grow journal section and link it in your signature if you want some real views


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

I don't have a Iphone but my gf does, maybe I can just use hers and buy that off ebay :) I definately plan on LSTing and topping next round, it will be my first attempt so hopefully don't mess it up.

so should I switch to my tiger bloom (flowering) nutes now? Or wait a few more days.

Give them a combo of both. They still need a nice amount of nitrogen for the beginning of flowering but also need P and K

take how ever much your giving them now and and give them that much of both the veg and bloom.

And make sure you mix enough big bloom in there.

Thats the micro nutrient solution.
Hey guys, it's been a little while but plants are coming along nicely. Interesting to see bud growth up close and in real life :)

Really need any input that I can get, not sure how many more weeks to flower these 2 girls and was also wondering what you guys think of my temperature range, it fluctuates between 80-90, 60-75 at night :/ is that okay for the plants? I have noticed little white crystals starting to form on the leaves and bud :weed:

considering buying an oscillating fan for the canopy of the plants to keep the tops somewhat cooler. But most importantly I need to know your guy's advice on flushing. Should I flush before the 2 week flush or just hold off on flushing with water until the last 2 weeks of harvest (not even sure when that will be lol)

and with flushing is it literally flushing letting it pour through the soil multiple times or just letting a little water come out the bottom of the bucket? noob questions

any tips are appreciated guys, also got my light a good 1 and a half to 2 feet away so I do not burn the girls at all. Bad idea? I know closer light is always good but don't want to singe the girls.

also transplanted my newest batch of seedlings into their 5 gallon buckets with fox farm ocean soil, they are all looking healthy except one, not sure what it is but I will keep a close eye on them

anyway onto the photos bongsmilie:joint:

going to smoke this bowl of cheese (literally smells like cheese haha) then going to go tend to the ladies :hump:


Well-Known Member
I have noticed little white crystals starting to form on the leaves and bud
Well, this is certainly a good thing. :0)

got my light a good 1 and a half to 2 feet away
This works for me too.

with flushing is it literally flushing letting it pour through the soil multiple times
You might be confusing the two uses of the term flushing. We "flush"
out sugars and nutrients at the end of a flowering cycle, for a period
before the chop, using plain water to water the plants.

Separately, there are occasions where a nutrient or salt buildup will
cause a grower to "flush" the plants grow medium out. I believe that
watering with plain water, three times the volume of the soil, is often

considering buying an oscillating fan for the canopy
This is a good idea, for several reasons. Blowing on the plants helps
strengthen the stems, will help distribute fresh air, and will help remove
heat (assuming that you are venting air higher up in the tent).

Good luck,

Well, this is certainly a good thing. :0)

This works for me too.

You might be confusing the two uses of the term flushing. We "flush"
out sugars and nutrients at the end of a flowering cycle, for a period
before the chop, using plain water to water the plants.

Separately, there are occasions where a nutrient or salt buildup will
cause a grower to "flush" the plants grow medium out. I believe that
watering with plain water, three times the volume of the soil, is often

This is a good idea, for several reasons. Blowing on the plants helps
strengthen the stems, will help distribute fresh air, and will help remove
heat (assuming that you are venting air higher up in the tent).

Good luck,

Thanks for the advice man. It's pretty straight forward so far it seems, just a lot of common sense and a sense of trying to understand what the plants need :joint: how soon do you suggest I start flushing? I want to do a pre-2 week harvest flush with nothing but store bought distilled water, just need to get a feel for when I am getting close to harvest I guess :P

I'll probably purchase another fan today or tomorrow for the canopy. Also trimmed some dead foilage off both the ladies and gave them a feeding. More pics in a couple of days :) buds are forming nicely and fast

and yes, I got a box fan up in the corner of my enclosure to push air out and also have a small compact desk fan attached to my reflector blowing on the bulb towards the box fan so it pushes the hot air out (for the most part)

thanks again