HA, you lucky bastards. Nevada is worse. 7 plants, 3 mature, 4 immature, and 1 oz holding.
However, you SHOULD NOTE, that (and i think this applies to you too) if you are unable to SMOKE it, and you have to grow to make confections, and EAT it. Your dr can RECOMMEND that you grow more. As long as he puts it in your note, it's all good and legal, he can exempt you up to like 20 plants or so. I could be wrong about your states, but I KNOW that works here. And that caregiver law is a BITCH, if your several people's caregiver you can't smoke I believe. If they catch you smoking what your growing, you get biiig trouble.
And herb was decriminalized here in Nevada too, about 10 years ago. I remember when it happened too. I was in high school and as soon as the bill passed, the dealers took advantage and flooded the school with weed. They were sellin $5 blunts in the parking lot, so every SINGLE day, we'd come up with 5 bux and get baked in the parking lot at lunch....
Ahhh, the good old days ^_^