my female produced two seeds just before harvest

It was in the same room as 2other females and i had been in no other contact with male plants so cross pollination was not a factor ..i want to know if these seeds will be female ??


Well-Known Member
probably your plant hermi, and got a male flower or two near the end

don't worry unless its happen early and the hole plant is full of seeds

next time check for male flowers and remove em if you see any (unless you want a few seeds)

and check for light leaks and other things that can stress the plant in flowering to hermi ..

and nop, you have a 50/50% chance of female, its ordinary seeds you get out of it, need to use some wiered stuff, I have`t read much in to yet, some kind of silver can be used or what ever ? to make em Femi (=99% chance of female)

what you might have is back cross it..
Back cross please explain ?? I had 2 diesel 1 kush all female ..1diesel produced 2seeds that is all ..apart from that the bud was glorious ..could these seeds have%50 og tendencies or is that totally out the q??
You are over thinking it brotha! You just got a couple extra possible plants and some nice buds I wouldn't be worried at all. Even the dankest stickiest buds can have a seed or two.


Well-Known Member
so you CAN get male seeds from a herm? slip? my friend argues that they will all be fem. i argued that pollen is pollen.


Well-Known Member
I read once that if a seed. Came from a hermi it's got 99% of being female. But they carry hermi traits .read it on some web site. While reading about collidel silver. May be spelt wrong collidial something. Like that .Googled making own female seeds.


Well-Known Member
Colloidal silver is a thing that forces herm - then you take the pollen from herm and polinate a female - herms produce herms - females produce females if female pollen is used(female pollen being pollen from a female plant*herm*)

This is what I have taken in from all that I have read on the subject.


Well-Known Member
A herm will only produce either female, or herm seeds.

Not exactly.

If a female plant "herms" the seeds it produces will be feminized. Period.
If a plant "herms" not due to stress the resulting seeds will be either male, female or hermaphrodite.

Hermaphrodites are kind of rare. Stress is much more common.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly.

If a female plant "herms" the seeds it produces will be feminized. Period.
If a plant "herms" not due to stress the resulting seeds will be either male, female or hermaphrodite.

Hermaphrodites are kind of rare. Stress is much more common.
I had a few genetic herms in the past few months (both sex on all nodes) and i still have a stressed herm that showed male parts only on the lower part of the plant.So as you said if plant number 1 would have a 33.3% of being female/male/herm,and plant number 2 will most likely produce female seeds.
Genes vs Stress basically and the stress factor puts the plant into a survival mode,which in turn makes her want to make seeds to continue her genes and male seeds can't do that alone.
Thanks for the posts people interesting stuff .the plant that produced the seeds was a femized seed which was ordered online so i am hoping from what u guys have said those two beans produced from it are female .. i will update this post when i determine the sex of them but it could be a while as i have a lot of seeds to grow out before i get those .. at the moment i got 1 og kush 1 black diesel 2critical jack autos and 2 big bang 2,s gonna be an onteresting grow this one .all my seeds are feminized and this will be a scrog setup .. my first scrog ..any tips or advice is welcome