my fan sounds like a jet engine, what can i do to quiet it down


Well-Known Member
im growing in a closet venting into attic closet is connected to my bedroom dimensions are 2'10" by 3'4" by 8'ish tall. pulling air through an aircooled hood.

so please how can i quiet down this loud 6in inline active air fan?


Well-Known Member
Some people build a box to put around their fan to act as a muffler. Others have used fatmat/dynamat inside the box to quiet it even more. If you are mounting it make sure to use rubber washers to reduce vibration. I am a lazy stoner and purchased a fan controller and run my fan at 1/3 speed to reduce noise.


Well-Known Member
The more vibrations there are the louder your fan will be, so the key is to try and reduce the vibrations as much as you can. My fan was really loud but then i relised a lot of the noise was because it was vibarating against the screw i used to fasen it, tightened that up and it's a lot quieter now, also not sure if this is the case for you but i have my clothes hung in where my fan is and the more clothes in the wardrobe hung up the quieter it seems to be.


Well-Known Member
Make sure that the fan isnt in a place that can echo easly.... prob the reason its going crazy on ya ....


Well-Known Member
not sure if this matters but i have only tried it out in my bedroom on the carpeted floor and in my hands not attached to any ducting at all or anything mounted on anything. i was thinking about something like a box around the fan with foam on the walls and than rubber washers and foam inbetween the fan and what it gets mounted too inside the box. maybe a duct muffler too or wrapping some sort of insulation around the ducting.


Well-Known Member
I read yesterday that insulated ducting is good for helping to keep the noise down..