Active Member
I've never really used forums before but recently I started researching ways of growing that are fast, compact and cost-effective. This forum helped me a lot, so I figured it would be a good place to document my entire process, since what I am going to do isn't all that common and there aren't many examples of it to be found.
over eight weeks, producuce a continuous cycle of
FOUR plants to harvst from the eigth week. Rolling
grow. SOG (Sea of Green).
"Sea of Green (SOG) is the theory of harvesting lots
of small plants, matured early to get the fastest
production of buds available. Instead of growing a
few plants for a longer period of time, in the same
space many smaller plants are grown that mature faster
and in less time. Thus, less time is required between
crops. This is important to you when the electricity
bill comes each month. One crop can be started while
another is maturing, and a continuous harvest, year
round can be maintained. 4 plants per square foot will
be a good start for seedlings. 1 plant per square foot
will allow plenty of room for each plant to grow a large
top cola, but will not allow for much bottom branching.
This is OK since indoors, these bottom branches are
always shaded anyway, and will not grow very well unless
given additional light and space."
I have a space of about six cubic feet that I have designated to this project. I've never grown before (aside from a few half-assed plants on the windowsill that obviously didn't make it) but my hours and hours of research have allowed me to develop a system that I think will work out ok to begin with.
I intend to use ONLY compact fluorescents and I plan on starting the 12/12 cycle by two weeks of age. The seedlings will sprout in my kitchen, in good sunlight, supplemented if necessary. From there, they will be moved to a custom built growing chamber, starting off under two blue fluoro's until six weeks old, then moving to one blue-one red for two weeks, then two red.
This system is set up for convenience and deliberately designed to remove as many variables as possible. Here's a rough diagram:
So far I have the frame set up but I still need to attach the lights. I discovered a way (here: Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos) of taking the appropriate bulbs apart, thereby allowing me to string them all onto one power cable. The one thing I'm not certain of is whether to do that in series or parallel. I know very little about this kind of thing but I know that in a series circuit, which I was originally considering, the bulbs will get progressively dimmer and since I will have eight of them I would much rather use a parallel circuit. What I would like to know though is if standard mains cable (European 240v) and whatever else might be affected could handle all eight 50watt bulbs in parallel. I'd be grateful if someone could let me know.
The seeds will arrive on Monday (it's Friday night now) and they will germinate in jiffy pots, using a planting medium of regular, NPK enriched soil mixed with perlite. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about fertilizer yet but I have on hand a bunch of old coffee, which I have read is a good source of nitrogen. I will probably buy something suitable along the way but for now I assume the soil is enough. I won't be growing for too long.
Ok, so this is my first post. I have until monday to gather up all your advice/comments/suggestions if you have any. Please don't hold back. I have a good feeling about this. I'll update with photos and problems etc as they come up.
P.S. The diagram isn't working. I've tried to attach it.. any ideas?
over eight weeks, producuce a continuous cycle of
FOUR plants to harvst from the eigth week. Rolling
grow. SOG (Sea of Green).
"Sea of Green (SOG) is the theory of harvesting lots
of small plants, matured early to get the fastest
production of buds available. Instead of growing a
few plants for a longer period of time, in the same
space many smaller plants are grown that mature faster
and in less time. Thus, less time is required between
crops. This is important to you when the electricity
bill comes each month. One crop can be started while
another is maturing, and a continuous harvest, year
round can be maintained. 4 plants per square foot will
be a good start for seedlings. 1 plant per square foot
will allow plenty of room for each plant to grow a large
top cola, but will not allow for much bottom branching.
This is OK since indoors, these bottom branches are
always shaded anyway, and will not grow very well unless
given additional light and space."
I have a space of about six cubic feet that I have designated to this project. I've never grown before (aside from a few half-assed plants on the windowsill that obviously didn't make it) but my hours and hours of research have allowed me to develop a system that I think will work out ok to begin with.
I intend to use ONLY compact fluorescents and I plan on starting the 12/12 cycle by two weeks of age. The seedlings will sprout in my kitchen, in good sunlight, supplemented if necessary. From there, they will be moved to a custom built growing chamber, starting off under two blue fluoro's until six weeks old, then moving to one blue-one red for two weeks, then two red.
This system is set up for convenience and deliberately designed to remove as many variables as possible. Here's a rough diagram:

So far I have the frame set up but I still need to attach the lights. I discovered a way (here: Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos) of taking the appropriate bulbs apart, thereby allowing me to string them all onto one power cable. The one thing I'm not certain of is whether to do that in series or parallel. I know very little about this kind of thing but I know that in a series circuit, which I was originally considering, the bulbs will get progressively dimmer and since I will have eight of them I would much rather use a parallel circuit. What I would like to know though is if standard mains cable (European 240v) and whatever else might be affected could handle all eight 50watt bulbs in parallel. I'd be grateful if someone could let me know.
The seeds will arrive on Monday (it's Friday night now) and they will germinate in jiffy pots, using a planting medium of regular, NPK enriched soil mixed with perlite. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about fertilizer yet but I have on hand a bunch of old coffee, which I have read is a good source of nitrogen. I will probably buy something suitable along the way but for now I assume the soil is enough. I won't be growing for too long.
Ok, so this is my first post. I have until monday to gather up all your advice/comments/suggestions if you have any. Please don't hold back. I have a good feeling about this. I'll update with photos and problems etc as they come up.
P.S. The diagram isn't working. I've tried to attach it.. any ideas?