My experience with Salvia 40x


Well-Known Member
So ANC you said that smoking it wasn't the right way to partake of salvia. Somebody mentioned chewing it, but I don't think I could stomach chewing up the shredded little bits. Do you have any other suggestions? Do you need fresh salvia to chew it?

you would chew on the leaves throughout the day. the leaves taste totally different then the extract


Well-Known Member
The extract tastes different from the leaves because it's really concentrated with salvinorin a.


Well-Known Member
i am real excited u tried that out. how was the smoke ?
at first it tasted like weed from the vape i guess but after i took the 2nd and 3rd hit it tastes like saliva(shit).. after i just smoked some fire crip out of it and it smells good again.

mann i hate salvia trips just feels like abad trip to me.... i dont think ill be smoking that shit again... it just reminded me of how much i dislike that trip


Well-Known Member
What potency was it? I have a feeling 40x is just excessive. The reason so many people find it unpleasent is probably because a lot of these extracts are just too much, especially for inexperienced users of psychadelics, like many people using salvia.


Well-Known Member
I got 20x 30x i couldnt imagine a 40 or higher of that shit. i have to space the trip out FAR FAR from each time i do it. the trip is just way to much to be doing over and over.


Well-Known Member
dude my buddy smoked that shit driving down a street in town and all the sudden his fucking hands just dropped from the steering wheel and he just stops the car and freaks out and starts asking me how to drive the was like that for about 2-3 mins.


Active Member
ordered this shit online many moons ago...never again. Got standardized crystalline water pipe rip and glued to the floor could feel the wind rushing over me (indoors), couldn't hear properly, and every time I tried to talk I could make no noise at all and then later I could grunt...i couldn't fuckin move - makes anything illegal look like pussy shit! "trip" lasted 10 minutes or laying on the floor holding my chest saying wat the fuck did i just do to myself lasted about 2 hours! good luck


Active Member
well, I tried 20X & even though the effects lasted only 8 minutes, it was definitely as if a reality veil had been lifted. I did try it with a sitter(bad idea) & I immediately focused on my relationship w/ everything in the world around me(even the sitter). At first it was like abstract poetry, but soon began to make sense. Never tried it with a water bong but I was told that as long as I used a butane to burn it at hot temps. then I was okay. Seemed to work well.


Well-Known Member
What potency was it? I have a feeling 40x is just excessive. The reason so many people find it unpleasent is probably because a lot of these extracts are just too much, especially for inexperienced users of psychadelics, like many people using salvia.
it was just the leaves and it was really old about 2 years old....


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I am just now sobering up from a 20x standardized out of a grav then a waterfall (took about 3 of the tiniest hits ever)... I was destroyed, a little scary for me, but interesting as hell! I did get jacked on the price it was like 60 for a g.