my dream grow tent

Tim Rogers

First off let me tell you thanks for stopping and looking at my forum. I have been collecting and buying parts for my dream grow tent for a year or so now and I wanted to know what size tent you guys think I should get. I currently have a 6 inch cooltube, fox farm nutes, a 200 cfm windtunnel 4 inch fan, a 400 watt ballast/mh bulb/hps bulb, a 4 inch duct booster fan for in-take, a 6 inch duct booster fan for the light, a 4 inch carbon filter, and a 4 inch duct muffler for quieting the out-take. I think I may have made a mistake when i bought the cooltube manly because of the light coverage but my dream tent was a 2x4 wich is perfect for a cooltube because they make the 2x4's with 6 inch air cooling capabilities without having to run the heat from the light out the exahust system so i can controll how much heat i would have come off of the light. I thought this would be perfect for my light setup because there would not be any Resistance because it would be a strait airflow right thru the tube and out of the tent and because most closets ive owned are about 4x4 feet. I would still have space for clothes and other things with a 2x4 tent. I think the biggest reason i want a 2x4 is the fact that where ive lived there has not always been a steady temperature and i think that is why i went with the cooltube at the last second. I dont really live at a place more than a year but i want my system to last in any kind of temperature with minimal effort on my part maby just turnning my fan speed up when it gets hotter. There is also another reason i want to go with what im thinking of and that is cold seasons. Space heaters are a scary thing to think about being in a tent and having one on while im not there would be scarry. With what I'm thinking I could at least keep it warmer when the lights are on just by turning the speed down on the 6 inch duct fan that i got for my light and not have the light hooked up to the exhaust so I can have the exact temp I want for maximum growth. But I also want yield and I know with what I want right now I am really sacrificing some yield for some extra piece of mind but I do not want to mess this up because I have never put this much thinking into one thing. I could also try scrog or something around there to bring my yield up a little bit. Any kind of opinions or thoughts or just anything would be greatly appreciated.bongsmilie
I have a 2x2 in a closet with a 150w 4" exhaust fan. I have a floor vent w/central air I ran some dryer hose from vent into bottom of tent through port. Looks like this.IMGP1402.jpg

Tim Rogers

those buds looks huge. Just a guess with a 2x4 with a 400 watter i should have about twice as much as yours i think. No offense at all im just thinkin because twice and a little more power i would think would double the space. Ive never really grown before other than 2 plants i fucked up on but what brand of exhaust fan you got? The one i got is loud as hell but it pushes a lot of air
Thanks I got a little over 3 oz. off three plants. This was way to much for that tent. Currently running 1 plant 2nd week into flower it is much easier to maintain.

No offense taken. I think you could more than double what I grew with that size tent and a 400w. You might be able get close to 1lb. There is a guy on here that was running a perpetual grow he was averaging 1oz. a week yes a week. He was using a 2x4 tent had a mom box and a very small pre flower box I think he was running 2 150w. Search Bauks that's his name on this forum he had some great vids up on youtube but he took everything down. That perpetual grow was a beautiful thing. My grow is just for personal and I only smoke about 1/2g a day so anything much bigger than I have would be overkill and my wife would kill me.

My fan is a vortex its not all that loud. I can't hear it if I shut the bedroom door and I leave the closet door open. Those 20" box fans are louder. What I hear in the room is the woosh of air it pushes and not so much the fan it's self. The air sound is a little quieter when I run the carbon scrubber. That's another thing you might consider if stealth is a concern my scrubber get's a work out those last 3-4 weeks before harvest.

How are you going to grow hydro or dirt? How soon before you start? Are you going to do a journal?

Here's a couple more pic's a before cut down and a drying IMGP1433.jpg IMGP1469.jpg

Tim Rogers

yup im planning on doing a jurnal and i think it might be a little while longer before i start. I was thinking about even doing 6 autos at one point just because they look really easy to maintain and there would be a little space in between them so the side buds can get big as well and i would end up with around 6 or 7 onces wich is less than i would get with other strains but its a sure thing and they got autos now that are up to 20 percent thc. what is your opinion on a 2x4 tent? not a lot of people use them except for big time growers use them as veg tents for clones which i might want one day but building a screen to go in there would be really easy and it would be really easy to maintain unlike a 4x4 where it might be a little tricky. I was trying to make a big screen t.v. grow box a while back but it got too hot and ive even thought of making a wardroab growbox but with me moving around a lot that aint happening anytime soon so im going to have to get a tent for sure. those buds are really good sized for a 250. I was thinking of going with a 250 at first but it was about the same cost for the 400 so i went with that. Im going to stick with soil for my first grow because its more forgiving to mistakes.
I will try and keep an eye out for your journal. I have seen a auto garden done but I had no idea they could get the THC with strengths that high. I like the idea of the final height that they get is so short I always seem to have height issues. Working on that one though.

I wish I had bought the 2x4 instead of 2x2. With a 2x4 I have seen a 10 container hydro grow with great results. A 4x4 takes up so much room they wont fit in most closets so then an entire room gets dedicated to a 4x4. If you had a basement a 4x4 would be great. I just don't have that kind of room or a need for such a large grow.

Moving around a lot can be a bitch makes it very hard to get a grow established you might want to consider an outdoor grow it might be a little late this year unless you have something started. Might want to think about it for next year though. I have seen some really nice outdoor grows single plants with over 1 lb. each it would depend on how far north you live though.

Those were done with a 150 and 4 23w cfl side lights 2 on each side of tent. I was going to get a 250 but I thought it might get too hot in a 2x2 I wish I would have went with a 250 now that I know I can manage heat issues easier than I thought. A 400 in a 2x4 would be perfect. I have never done soil I would like to try someday I'm just not sure how to do it. If your away for a few days is it okay not to water it or will it dry out? Hydro is very easy changing your res every week can be a pain in the ass though. The cost of feeding should be about half as much as the hydro cost I would like to do a soil for that reason alone. I don't have insect problems with hydro and I see quite a few people that grow soil do have insect problems. I think I will try a soil or soil-less next Fall. I went with hydro on my first indoor grow never had a problem well 1 problem I had I went out of town for a couple of days and came home to some leafs touching the light the leafs were crispy but the plant recovered. Hydro is much easier than most people think.