My Dramamine Trip

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
I heard some people talking about dramamine trippin. So sunday Night, not having to go do anything monday because of labor day. Went and picked up 2 packs of 12 dramamine. I also picked a couple of trusted friends up to watch and make sure id be alright. Bought them Mcdonalds. Anywho, Got home around 12am. downed 12 right then. didnt feel anything for about half an hour. Popped the other 12.

Around 10 minutes later I feel like im not in my body. im just floating there. Both my friends That i picked up were stoned passed out by now. Lol. It seemed forever. It was only like 10 minutes later that I was laying in my bed. Had a REAL hard tiem breathing and swallowing my own spit. When i closed my eyes, Or Thought i closed my eyes I would see my self walking around a abondaned board walk. With new papers and stuff blowing around the ruin down rides. It was empty and dark, But yet I still hear Little kids talking and laughing. and even some in other languages? It sound like. I couldnt breathe out my mouth, When i tryed i thought i wasnt breathing at all. I had to breathe in and out of my nose! and I got up to use the rest room. When i did I couldnt walk. I stumbled all the way there. My momma was like are you okay? I tryed to say yea, just tired. and i could hear my self saying it. But when my lips moved to say it all that came out was mummbles. and i tryed to correct my slef and couldnt. it was awful. On the way back to my bed i fell, got up. I have a pitbull that sleeps in my bed. And when i looked i was scared to get on my bed becuase my whole bed was covered in my dog, It looked like some one copied and pasted her. about 30 times lol. so there i slept on the floor. And for no reason my jaw would slam shut. like multi times. and woke up on my bed. lol

Over all it was a learning expericence.
NOT DO TO DO OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS. Illegal drugs have less bad health side-effects. lol
I also felt really dumb when i woke up. I slept form like 1:30-40 am to 9-11 pm the next nigght!
I still kinda feel dumb. KInda hard to focus with out spacing off.

I heard it doesnt kill braincells but eats a hole in the lining to your brain.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Just curious, why wouldn't you slowly take more and more until you found a correct dosage?

I mean not feeling anything so you took 12 more? That is a little excessive IMHO.

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
I dont know, Wasnt thinking correctly. Why are all you guys giving me a hard time? Im just telling you what i heard.
and only trying to share my experience.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I dont know, Wasnt thinking correctly. Why are all you guys giving me a hard time? Im just telling you what i heard.
and only trying to share my experience.
So that next time you do something, hopefully you have a better experience. Take the flames as a learning tool.. people are just looking out for ya bro.