My DIY water storage rig


Well-Known Member
So after getting tired of ph-ing my water by the gallon, i decided to build a tank to hold my water so i can ph and filter it all at once. I saw we had a new trash can on wheels that was delivered by the city, it only had half size capacity inside the actual can and was leak proof so I decided to tap the bottom with a valve and a hose for filling my watering can. I mounted the Hydro-Logic Small Boy filter setup on the back, i cut the bottom of it open to store the nutes and such.

Is there any downfall to storing the water after filtering and ph-ing?

I have used it for awhile and the ph stays relatively the same (+- .1 )

It is black and i sealed the lid off with weatherstripping so no light can get in.

Will any sort of algae or stuff build up inside?

I usually refill it about twice a month so its relatively fresh.



Well-Known Member
damn looks pretty legit. if your ph isn't drifting too far and its being filtered, and light proof, you shouldn't have any problems i don't think. rep to you.


Well-Known Member
yea , it needs to be like a river always running never let the water stand and get stale not good:joint::hump:


Active Member
Ok first of all the plant doesnt get O2 from water it gets it from the air penetrating the soil. And the water shouldnt go stale that quickly, think about how long bottled water can stay good even after opening it. But it would not be a bad idea for an airstone or a pump to ciculate the water. I am not familiar with your water filtration system but if it is not RO or RODI then there will be a chance of algea growth, pH change or accumulation of particulates. Make sure you also test your water storage as well as the water you put in.


Active Member
i would just leave it on 24 hrs but could be turned off if needed. May not even need it if you refill your water on a fairly regualr basis


Well-Known Member
i would just leave it on 24 hrs but could be turned off if needed. May not even need it if you refill your water on a fairly regualr basis
Yeah its not a RO filter system, its basically a de-chlorination system Hydro-Logic Small Boy De-Chlorinator by Horizen Hydroponics where i'm at we have the best tap water. So a complete RO was not needed, btw i used to go to my local hydro shop to get my water, (they gave out free RO water) but that was a pain thus i built this.

So is an airstone necessary?


Well-Known Member
Ok first of all the plant doesnt get O2 from water it gets it from the air penetrating the soil. And the water shouldnt go stale that quickly, think about how long bottled water can stay good even after opening it. But it would not be a bad idea for an airstone or a pump to ciculate the water. I am not familiar with your water filtration system but if it is not RO or RODI then there will be a chance of algea growth, pH change or accumulation of particulates. Make sure you also test your water storage as well as the water you put in.

Exactly, i used to get my RO water from the hydro shop 10-15 gallons at a time and it would sit in a CLEAR 5 gallon jug until i used it and never had any problems with alge and such.

I guess an airstone can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
Anybody else know is an airstone is necessary?

Basically the water sits (after being filtered) in darkness for a MAXIMUM of 2 weeks? Is that a problem?