My Desk Grow Box.....


Well-Known Member
this is one of my grow boxes.
its is made inside of a wood desk. the desk is a little more than 4 feet tall.
i have 2, 26 watt cfl lights inside the box.
it took me awhile to make this desk into a grow box. i ripped out all the droors, and only saved the front part of the droor.( 3 droor fronts) i then built an attatchment to the droor front, so it would still stay in place on the desk.....and i can still remove the droors fronts when needed.
i culked all the cracks and what not....then ripped apart an old computer..and took the fan out, then i rewired it to a 12v charger...and installed it into the back of the desk.
it all worked out great, with all the droor fronts in there place, the desk looks just like it did, before i turned it into a grow box. its a perfect grow spot if you need to hide it from others.....i dont need to hide it, i just thought it would work good.
also i hung a cut peice of dark towel from the inside, near the front of the box, so you see no light coming from the droor cracks.

there is enough room on the inside to veg. 2 maybe 3 large i think i will use this box as a veg room....i might even flower a few in it.
any suggestions would be great...thanks for reading all.
sry the pics arent that great....ill update when i get new growth.


Well-Known Member
Heres some more pics....

btw... the the top droor also comes off.

from what i read and been told get thos light very close thos are like 6 inchs away you can get them like 1-2 inchs away long as the cfl's aint to hot.

other wise i like the steath of it,but it could still be found.


Active Member
its a cute little setup.
but i found that unless your cfl's are spectrum enhanced for growth, the turnout isnt that good. the plants dont get what they want, and the leaves turn yellow. but your spot has potential.


Well-Known Member
Honestly Ohio, I think you could finish this off to a pretty cool stealth box, other than I think you are going to run out of height.


Well-Known Member
thats what I was thinking, the heigth issue. We could play i-spy with your pictures man!!


Active Member
pretty stealthy, it proably could work through flowering if you keep a horizontal light screwed on top

liquor and ciggarettes kill


Active Member
What light would be optimal for a space that small? I plan on doing the same thing to my desk except I'm willing to spend a bit more on lighting.

I've already wired computer fans to the back, and its basically the same size as his. Except I have no plants yet. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
alright first of all.....yea i kno my room is currently "messy", i have been working every day for awhile now...sooo i aint got that much time to make my room look pritty for the picture.
but yea thanks for the light distance info, i thought i needed to move them closer. also the box isnt that small....i measured it, and its a little more than 4 i will be able to veg in it for awhile anyways. and this isnt my only grow spot, i got a big flowering room else where....and a clone box.

btw..i am trying to quit smoking ciggs!! i want to so bad....but that shits hard to put down.
and im a social drinker.
ooook thats enough bout me. keep postin guys

oh yea, and i think that a hps light would fit into this might have to be at a slight angle,but w/e


Well-Known Member
besides my room that needs a cleaning, and the height issue.... what else would make this box a better grow box??


Well-Known Member
Don't get sensitive on us now. ;) I think it is pretty cool you would show us your room.

Just my opinion, if I was using your box I would stick to 1 or 2 plants and fill the inside with CFLs. I would put them in the corners and the top. I would shot for at least 6 26w CFLs (6500k) for veg. This will give you light down under the canopy and should give you plenty for good growth. Also, finish filling out the inside with white. Hmn... why not pull everything out and paint it flat white? Top to bottom.


Active Member
yea bro go for the cfls, an HID light would cook ur plants to a well done mush in such a small box/area even with the fans.I put a 400 watt hps in my closet and shit got soo hot in there i really dont know how my plants lived through it, and i had the doors to my closet all the way open with a full size stand up fan on full blast constantly going in there and it was still in the nintys! Just put as many cfls as u can physicly fit in to the box and u should be just fine. if u want u could spray paint the inside of the box white , mylar and foil help but not as much as white paint, i dont know why but it just works better. Btw nice box! Have u ever thought of using those moving wardrobe boxes u can get at a U-Hal? They are PERFECT for self contained little box type of gardens. Theyr a good 4 to 5 feet high, PLENTY wide and have a Sturdy metal bar toward the top of the box that is picture Perfect for handing ur light/s, id even say its big enough for a 600 watter and not get to hot, with proper ventlation. Theyr only about 10 bucks a peice and u could get two, one for veg and one for flowering. I mean these things look as if they were invented for this, the only reason i havent gone this rout my self is that i have a HUGE growing space under me casa that is very well insulated and has locking capabilitys:mrgreen:Other wise id be growing one of those fukers right now!