my defoliated vs non defoliated... pictures inside.

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Well-Known Member

Plenty of pictures on there... its hard to get pictures cause in darkness an flash its blurry and only time light doesnt have the black lines in picture is just just when they turn on... im not hiding anything and not one of the hardcore people involved in this debate. Just someone who was affected by the defoliation post and all it promised. Then to end up with less of a return and less growth. Therefore, im just making post with proof of my experience so other people who consider this find another thread with pictures as to why they shouldnt rather than bunch of people rambling for 53pages.

People who research now will have a why they should and why they shouldnt with pictures and they can make a decision based off visual evidence.


Active Member
In an effort to run faster I going to chop off a leg. In an effort to improve my cardio I'm going to remove a lung. In an effort to improve my boxing I'm going to cut off an arm. In an effort to speed up my computer I'm going to remove RAM.


Well-Known Member
Yes they are 6ft tall. Clearly they are lollipoped. What is the point? Pointless to have all bottom nodes hitting each other an causing humity problems ect... is this what happens when someone post there experience and clearly states its just to show experience not which is right for another person.

Mods lock this thread if you want. Shit is retarded... i post based off EXPERIENCE an show pictures and myOPINION. No need to pick my entire grow apart over the dumbest shit. Just accept the defoliation thing did not work for me and i showed why. If it works for you great but i dont see how when i have very controlled enviroment and matchin plants... either way, idc.


Well-Known Member
Why you would cut off natures solar panels is beyond me what is the first thing that pops up out of the earth..a stem withA SOLAR PANEL attached to it..why so it can grow...more leaves , haahaa i say let them cut them off , its there lesser plant..hope they enjoy

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member someone who was affected by the defoliation post and all it promised. Then to end up with less of a return and less growth.
Bottom line? You set yourself up for a forum sucker punch because you did not bother to research what makes a plant tick. Like many, you had to learn the hard way. We appreciate your post, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that if you were a seasoned gardener, this (defoliation) drill wouldn't even be a consideration on your part. If you wanted to play with it, fine, now you know. Still recommend a book on plant culture.

And just in case it comes up, you'll find very few members here who understand botany, nor will they take the time. Here's a perfect example. I spoon feed this kid (post #20) with some solid advice and excellent links and look at his response. He deserves to fail, and he will.

Good luck,


Active Member
That article is a joke. No proof what so ever. Only a guy named keef treez opinion with zero substance.
The Grow Weed Easy site is a flat out joke. The guy/girl that runs it is a scab and its stock full of "internet weed growing" myths. Anybody that uses it as a reference should be automatically outed as a hack and their argument disregarded. OK well maybe not all that, but the damn site does include a section on flavoring your weed with Kool-Aide and I think that is all you need to know. Hack-hack-hack.


Active Member
The Grow Weed Easy site is a flat out joke. The guy/girl that runs it is a scab and its stock full of "internet weed growing" myths. Anybody that uses it as a reference should be automatically outed as a hack and their argument disregarded. OK well maybe not all that, but the damn site does include a section on flavoring your weed with Kool-Aide and I think that is all you need to know. Hack-hack-hack.
Lol, kook-aid.. That's pretty retro... Someone should message the web admin and update him with MiO
Believing buds need light to develop is what's stupid.

That's a very interesting statement Uncle Ben.

Have you ever tried this experiment?

Take a female cannabis plant, one of fair size. A sativa would probably work best.

Let's take it say 3 or 4 weeks into flowering.

Now what we do is, set our light source at a low height, so it only shines on the bottom of the plant. You may have even experienced this growing exotic sativas, where they get to tall.

Now we don't take any leaf off. But we just watch what happens to the upper cone, and the lower buds, as the plant reaches full maturity. The top gets little or no light, the bottom buds get it all...

What do you think will happen.

(I know I said I wasn't going to comment anymore on defoliating, but I just happened to think of this^ and was curios)
Now, what I always do, when a plant gets to tall indoors, is bend or break it over. And the reason for that is so the top buds will get light. As it seems like they don't do as well without it.

Now of course I've never bothered to actually grow a plant all the way with the top cone getting little or no light. so I can't say anything for sure on that. But I find it a interesting question...


Well-Known Member
Edited... deleted. Rather not have people go back and forth over what i said lol. Plenty other people smarter than myself on here.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Now, what I always do, when a plant gets to tall indoors, is bend or break it over. And the reason for that is so the top buds will get light. As it seems like they don't do as well without it.
That is simply not true as witnessed during outdoor growing and my knowledge of plant processes. Sorry, but like it's been said a million times by me and others that understand botany, buds do not conduct any appreciable amount of photosynthesis. Not gonna beat this dead horse again....I explained the science a few times in other threads.

READ the other threads.



Active Member
Don't believe everything you see posted. Do the research yourself and then decide.

Here's the link they have about flavor curing:

You can use to simple find tool and discover nothing about kool-aid.

It talks about orange curing and lemon verbena curing and some crap like that.

It also clearly says:

Personally I would never flavor cure. I would also never strip my leaves bare.
You can't even read to save your life. The dude talks about pouring in citrus and berry flavors at the end of flowering to get flavored weed. You'd argue anything I post, you're just too ignorant to do it correctly.

Step Two: Create your Flavor/Aroma Water Mixture.You create a mixture of water and whatever flavor you're adding. I like vanilla extract, root beer extract, citrus flavors like lemon, orange, lime... Some like chocolate, banana, blueberry, strawberry, etc. Feel free to get creative, especially if you're growing lots of small plants and can experiement. Make sure to stir the mixture well. How much flavor/essence do you add? It's really hard to say what will work for you in your individual situation. As a general frame of reference, I've done a tablespoon of extract to five gallons of water to get good results. The resulting scent/flavor is subtle but recognizable. You may want to add more or less extract to satisfy your tastes.

Step Three: Water your cannabis with the mixture and let plants sit for 3-4 hours to soak up the water. You basically want the thirsty plant to drink all the water and become infused with the mixture. A thirsty plant will drink much faster than one which has been recently watered.

So what is water and fruity flavoring you might ask? Yep thats Kool-Aide you brainiac puppy. Hows the trolling working out for you genius?

Or maybe that's just your site and you are buthurt for being ousted as a hack.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
If one just has to jack with their weed, then an apple slice or citrus peel in with the baggie worked decades ago for me and my buddies.



New Member
I used to defoliate to expose bud sites...til I noticed I yeiled more off plants I didn't do that too....noticed bud under canopy on a healthy plant were just fine....I don't trim like that anymore...I thin the plant out for airflow but that's it....the less u hack away at ur plant the more it will yield in the end....its a true story

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member

I did not grow these plants with the idea of defending whether or not to defoil, but guess what, the pictures do prove a solid point: DON'T FUCKING DEFOIL!

The plant on the left was grown the last 3 months of 2012, and both plants are the exact same strain. Not knowing that she would stretch as much as she would, after 4 weeks of flowering the plant on the left was over 5 feet tall. So, I had no choice but to hack the shit out of her. Below what you see, there are no fan leaves or bud sites; I cut them all off because of her stretch and I had over-crowded this grow with 3 plants.

The plant on the right is an entirely different story, which is growing as we speak (took this picture yesterday). Knowing what I was up against with the last stretch, I knew I had to find another way to grow this strain. That's when I discovered Uncle Bens topping technique, which would utilize my space and keep my plant at a height I could handle. I haven't cut 1 fan leaf off of this plant, and I have left everything in tact, with the exception of the top I did during veg.

The bud size and development isn't even close in comparison. This current plant will probably have a ten fold difference in yield than the last plant, and the size difference in the buds is beyond debate.

Both of these plants are at the exact same flowering stage.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You can't even read to save your life. The dude talks about pouring in citrus and berry flavors at the end of flowering to get flavored weed. You'd argue anything I post, you're just too ignorant to do it correctly.

So what is water and fruity flavoring you might ask? Yep thats Kool-Aide you brainiac puppy. Hows the trolling working out for you genius?

Or maybe that's just your site and you are buthurt for being ousted as a hack.
Lol, no it's not my site nor do I follow those practices. I simply seek the truth, which you did not post. You attempted to defame the site with misinformation. That is not what I would call seeking the truth. Enjoy your bubble.
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