My dads old anti deer trick


Active Member
well i was just talking to my dad and bro and we where talking about my dads younger days of growing :) and some how deer came up, and he told me he use to take some wire and put 4 sticks in the ground around the plant and wrap it around the sticks and hook it up to a compasitor and a 6v. he said he took them from them chepo cameras and the look on the deers face. he almost pissed himself laughing. but i wanted to share this with you because it seems like a good way to keep deer at bay. hope this helps any one with a deer/animal problem.


Well-Known Member
fuck that 20 car battieriesprobaly kill the deer if it does leave the deer to rot ull never have another deer in there they hate rotting shit worse ull have is a bear and im sure hell eat that deer instead of a pot plant


Well-Known Member
it would look really bad if you got busted and a cop touched it because you would be charged if they found you. for that and growing


Active Member
animal cruelty suck even if its help u grow cannnabis ....just fyi i use dear piss and i pour it on about 5/6 spots 1/4 mile in each direction from my crop and ussually keep dear at bay.well thats at least what my hired outdoors keeper tells me its worth it to pay a grounds keeper to camp there protects ur crop in numerous ways taken it from a 11 year outdoor growers


Well-Known Member
lol thats pretty funy but seems like alot of work to do if u got a bunch of plants and would make them stick out alot more


Well-Known Member
it would look really bad if you got busted and a cop touched it because you would be charged if they found you. for that and growing
so u get caught growing and ur pretty much fucked anyway im think about using pipebomb atched to the stalk it gets riped up and there done for


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine used to run a leed from the mains outlet to his car. So he basically electrified his car. Here in South Africa thats 240v. I think its 110v in America.
It was a bad neighbourhood. One morning when he was unplugging the car he found a pair of glasses on the floor next to the drivers door. lol

The thief either vaporised or got such a shock he forgot he even had glasses. lol :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Take an empty Windex bottle and put two raw eggs in it and fill it up with water and let it sit outside in the sun for a couple days. Then spray it around your plants. It will smell like rotting meat and plant eaters will stay away from them.


Well-Known Member
That method sounds like it would work great.
oh it does i got a deer on year shit his ass was the only thing left lmao boom mother fucker and it works great but dont leave no evidence if a dea gets it that murder my dude so no bottle or nothing u just plant em in the dirt and water em and take ur jug with u i also like to set bobby traps with hooks in fishing line holes with boreds and nails at the bottom along with snare up that got big old sharks hook in em lmao:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well i was just talking to my dad and bro and we where talking about my dads younger days of growing :) and some how deer came up, and he told me he use to take some wire and put 4 sticks in the ground around the plant and wrap it around the sticks and hook it up to a compasitor and a 6v. he said he took them from them chepo cameras and the look on the deers face. he almost pissed himself laughing. but i wanted to share this with you because it seems like a good way to keep deer at bay. hope this helps any one with a deer/animal problem.[/quo

For thos doing an outdoor grow, Where dear & other animals could cause you some problems, Take good old Fishing line around 40 or 50 pound weight fishing line, & Then strig it up around you outdoor grow area, At several levels around your planting area, & then just put some tin cans with a few rocks in the cans to make noice when the line gets moved when the animals run into a nearly clear link, Betweeen the line giving them resistamce, & the noise of the erocks inside the tin cans,

It will do a real nice job at spooking the animals without causes them any harm. :)
yeah fishing line with big old shiny aluminum cans no offence but that give up ur spot quick and forget it if someone walks up on it


Well-Known Member
Can you buy Claymore anti-personnel mines over the counter, or do you need a doctor's prescription?
u can build them my friend anything that goes boom u can make ur self even hydrogen bomb:fire:that shit will level a whole city a gallon of water will wipe a 3 block radios if u do it right not something to fuck with then u got ur black powder ur clay aka c-4 u can get that shit from just straining a certant soil aint saying shit on here but it all easy dude just becarful if one gos off in ur face ur fucked along with your whole housemaybe even ur neighbors


Well-Known Member
Holy shit... I don't think i'll ever be able to go on forest walks anymore without a bomb sniffing dog or something. You kids are nuts, whatever happened to just hiding your plants where people won't go and putting up some chicken wire for the deer.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
u can build them my friend anything that goes boom u can make ur self even hydrogen bomb:fire:that shit will level a whole city a gallon of water will wipe a 3 block radios if u do it right not something to fuck with...
Oh, yeah, I've been making my own hydrogen bombs since I was a little kid. They're a lot of fun on the 4th of July. You've got to be a lot more careful about it now, though - cops take it a lot more seriously than they used to. I think it might have something to do with that 9/11 business. Used to be, if they caught you with thermonuclear weapons, they'd just give you a warning, and usually take it away from you if they could fit it into the trunk of their squad car. But now they write you a ticket every time. Carries a big fine, too - something like a couple hundred bucks, if i recall correctly.


Well-Known Member
yeah a bunch of bullshit cause of terriorest u cant even say the president should die without it being some big ordeal with court this and that fucking gay but thats allright they aint shit so fuck em


Well-Known Member
Holy shit... I don't think i'll ever be able to go on forest walks anymore without a bomb sniffing dog or something. You kids are nuts, whatever happened to just hiding your plants where people won't go and putting up some chicken wire for the deer.
well when ppl get tired of working there asses off for some fucking punk dea or random asshole roming around taking ur shit i say blast there asses they deserve to get it after ppl waste there time and money on something someone else takes:evil: