My Dad's Girlfriends Daughter Just Made Out With Me

since no women responded to this thread ill put my two cents in.

while shes not your biological sister, or even at this point a step sister,

to have both parents have their children around eachother it is clearly obvious the parental figures are serious about their relationship
so im going to assume you all live together as a family unit?

nothing is ever NSA when your family units are that close.
no matter what she says or how youd feel there is no NSA in this situation.
the ramifications of what will happen are not going to be in your benefit, unfortunately you already have some sexual relations with her and youre going to have to live with it.

my suggestion is as follows, realize that this isnt going to work out in either her or your benefit and forget about it, its going to be extremely awakward if you continue to progress this isnt going to work out for either of you , and both parents are going to feel extremely awkward, once they find out and they most likely will.

im going to assume youre 18 or under 18 at point just due to the story itself

i was eyes!:lol:
All i can say is damn you are lucky. You and your dad's girlfriend's daughter are in no way related, so you should bang. Or bring her over to me to bang. I'm a stud.
God damn this just happened to me. Totally feel your pain.

Lots of rum after christmas dinner. I go to bed, then my alarmingly hot (almost) step sister comes in and invites me to her bed.

Lotsa naked fondling and some oral later and whisky dick strikes, (or litre of rum dick...) I freak out a bit and then bail out.

Weirdest christmas ever..... thing is I really like the girl and would love to be her guy.

I also managed to make it all ultra awkward by asking her for a date the next day to which she said that it would be a bit wierd given the circumstances.

I suppose she just wanted an NSA night, which i then failed to deliver. FFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCKK
So yeah let me hear what you guys think about this... My dad's girlfriend's daughter just walked in my room when i was on rollitup and took my headphones off and got over me and on me and started making out with me.

I mean she's hot and all but im really confused about this now. The only thing she said was. My dads not good at holding a relationship.

"I hope I don't complicate things"

Take that shit the next opportunity you get. Just do it.
whoa! dominos has duck pizza?..please describe it regional?
dominos Australia, its on the "Chef's Best" menu
Roast duck, rasher bacon, red onion & mozzarella topped with BBQ sauce
Have you not hit the bottom of that shit yet? Damn, just do it. She's ASKING you to do it. Do we need to draw you a fucking map?