My current trials with Organics.


Well-Known Member
Man, it's been a while since I've had a beer.

So I'm just sitting here, catching up with myself. It's nice.

Here is what I am currently going to run trials with -

- Organic Coconut Sugar (2000 x the nutrient content of Brown Sugar) to be used as a "bloom" tea/feed. My thinking is, if Brown Sugar is beneficial for the plant during the final few weeks, than Coconut Sugar is going to be more beneficial cause of it's high nutrient content.

- Composting with snails. I've harvested them from my garden and made a snail farm out of a bucket and all the greens they had started to eat through. My goal is to train them to eat what I put in the bucket and use their frass in a compost tea. So far it's working. I will not put snails in my worm bin or compost piles. This is their own thing. I figured if they want to come and eat from garden, I'm going to put them to work. I think it's a fair barter?

- Apple Cider Vinegar as a pH down. Works very well, and is beneficial to the microbes in the soil. Plants seem to love water with a little of ACV mixed in. I've found that one bottle cap full is enough for lowering the pH a full whole 1 level for about a gallon of water depending on its pH. Mine is mid 7's from spring through fall, and then raises to the low 8's for winter when the pipes and waterways get colder. (So one capfull in one gallon brings me down about .5 pH) ACV has saved me what little Organic bottled nutrients I have left, and has also saved me a trip to pick up some pH down. I do this just to bring the pH closer to a suitable range for plant growth, I'd rather not add any additional stress if I can help to do so.

These are my most recent ideas to try, some may have already been explored, but I'm intrigued by the potentials of obtaining plant and soil nourishment beyond that of the standard and norm of perception.

Any input?
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