Well-Known Member
Powdery Mildew? Sounds common, yet I have never heard of it.
Thanks vv your thread has been very helpfull. I've been doing a lot of research here and it seems like the majority say fluors are junk. I have one 4' t5ho 6 blb and it seems to work well but i was skeptical about using them to flower. from what i see here I'm gonna pick up another 4' 6 blb and a 4' 8 blb. Do you think mixing the bulbs 50/50 is best or using more blue for veg and more red for flower? I was thinking of using 1 or 2 blues w/ the reds and 1or2 reds w/the blues. I hope my grow turns out as good as yours, gonna try hempybuckets for the first time.
happy growing
ps the best price i found on t5's are at
The hydro shop I visit did the research. They found 1/2 red 1/2 blue for the entire grow gives the best yield. Jeff has been in the hydro business in that same location since 1983. Thats good enough for me. Many of us have bought from htg, I am not one of them. I have seen reports both ways, just means people are people, be nice you get treated nice, and they do seem to take care of most problems. I believe in doing busines locally when you can, saves shipping charges. If there was a big difference I would be inclined to tell them what I can order if for, and when I would likely get it. They have always ended up with the business.
The Hempy Buckets is an ebb and flow system I think, res and a controller, two pumps, two timers, maybe one is a float not a timer. The fitting I use for my 'Sight Level' is one for a Hempy Bucket' type set up. No problems with it so far.
I like the system, the pots are bigger than I want to use. I am convinced you can produce more bud growing sog and one plant per square foot isn't sog. You will get good results with the system. You will need to check it often. Clay pellets don't hold water for long, a pump failure unnoticed for more than a day could be fatal. I am sure this won't be a problem for you, you will be checking them at 'least' once a
I haven't seen many say the are junk, I have seen them say only for vegging, clones, etc. Know one has stopped by to correct me for saying I am getting the result that you can get with a 600watt hid using a 440watt t-5 with less heat issues. I am still waiting for someone to notice the lights I have over the tables right now. I only have 25 flowering plants , couldn't see have that few on three tables. The t-5 lights I have are 18" wide, my tables are 32" inside dimensions. I wonder what would happen if you put (2) 4'-8 tube t-5 lights over one table that is 32" x 4'. Could you match a 1000wattHid? Or would you need a 4' x 4' table to do it? VV![]()
Considering this guy was doing hydro when i was still shitin my pants I'll take the advice, 50/50 it is. I wish I could shop local,the nearest shop is 100+ mi. When I do make the trip It is worth it though, not wso much in prices but the knowledge these people have is insane. I don't know if the two t5's would match the 1000 HID but they would fit w/ some overhang. maybe you could try a small shelf on the edge of your tables to catch that extra light. I forget how your system is set up but it might work. The hempy bucket is simply a bucket W/ a hole 2" up, creating a reervoir. I'm using 4 parts perlit to 1 vermiculite in a 5 gal buk and a drip system for less maintinence. Got my clones rooting so it won't be long, I'm hoping for the success you've had only 1/2 scale.
wish you many lb's happy growing bush![]()
I have been thinking about making some panels with mylar on them to go around the sides of the tables to reflect that spill over light back on the plants.
I am a little confused here, maybe I should look at a Hempy Bucket. Its not part of a recirculating system and you are going to use drip for less maintanance? There are a few drippers that don't require weekly cleaning. Its not real tough. Just remove them and soak them for about 20 minutes in plain white vinegar every week, more often if you have hard water.
If you haven't done so please start a journal and put some pictures in there, send me a link, sounds like an interesting project. VV![]()
A shower curtain type deal w panda plastic might work to, might be a heat issue though. If I knew how to put a link to a thread i would but if you type "the hempy collective" under the search it should come up. right now i have a green genie auto waterer. It's battery powerd and says it waters up to ten plants, haven't tryed it out yet. If it works well I'll get another or maybe try a gravity feed drip system. The cool thing about hempy is if you have a malfunc in your drip system it would take a few days to harm the plant(each plant has it's own reservoir to feed from) I guess i should stop hijacking your journal and start my own. Everything is piled in my bedroom right know (Grow room under construction) I'm gonna go out and get a usb cable and get everything situated and start my first journal.
happy growningBush
Powdery Mildew? Sounds common, yet I have never heard of it.
Wish I would have thought of that, a journal of your own, wow, what an idea. I'm just jackin ya man its ok, you are helping me towards a goal I have, so its all good.
I am not a computer guy, I can tell you what I do if I want to link something. Lets say I wanted to link VV to the hempy collective. I would go to one of VV's threads to make some comment about how sweet his room looks or some such slop in the advanced mode. Then I would go to whatever source would put me at the page I want to link. The best source for me is MyRollitup. I can check my Subscribed Threads and more than likely I am Subscribed to my journal, click on that, now you are at your journal. Put your cursor in the address bar and then right click, Copy. Go back to Post Response, left click in the text entry box, right click Copy. Now write your comment and ask me to take a look at the setup you have.
As far as I am concerned there is nothing wrong with making comments about what you have or how your plants are doing, especially if you can do it within the context of the conversation, I have been known to jump a thread or two, not a problem. Just don't jump it to instruct the thread starter or flame them, I'm a happy camper. Again welcome, that name has got to go. lol. VV![]()