My Costly First-OG SAGE from HEMPCON + others. 600w + 350w (3w) led.


first grow i have long been anticipating to start
any Help, comments, advice, anything is very welcome
I started off with 4x8 generic tent and a 3x6 botanica tray
-vortex 4 inch with fan controller on low.
-4 inch PHAT Filter.
-600w EIKO HPS
-300 watt 3w led panel (coming) from
-my 180w led panel from is coming too
(but I'm very unsatisfied with the time its taking to get here and im planning to return the panel once i get it because the site says 3w, and when i call the guy he tells me they're 3x 1 watters which makes 3w's... pretty misleading) + i paid full price which other places told me they would charge me much less..

-Floranova Grow and Floranova bloom one parts
-Floralicious plus and floranova sweet
-have liquid and powder Koolbloom
-Bushmaster.. for later
-hanna 98219
-one 2x 32w cfl for clones... soon to be 2

Got everything for drip system but havent set that up..
Started off first with 8 teens from this guy named Jeff from SC, brought those Jack's home and noticed they were colonized by insects.. Played..
So i threw those guys out and went to the HEMPCON on the last day
Tried to haggle this one guy J who were selling these Humbolt Special grow buckets or somesort with complete organic nutrient soil ..
So brought this girl home (the og sage) she already started budding.
Thought i'd brought the 2nd to best plant home from the whole show( although it was the last day and alotta stands were empty, so there might have been better)

Also put 2 B.D teens and 1 HeadBand Teen i got from HPMI,
and put all of these girls under the 600w.
Thought i was going to do cubes but doing soil now since they're already in there.IMAG0132.jpgIMAG0137.jpgIMAG0139.jpgIMAG0134.jpgIMAG0128.jpgIMAG0133.jpgIMAG0135.jpg And this little guy isnt allowed upstairs anymore


So i noticed a few mites or aphids earlier, and scared I was i just transplanted the ones that had insects and threw those soil away.Noticed that the ROM and one of the BD werent fully rooted, but thought it might be good to change the soil anyways...The Og Sage had a couple crawling out too, but hopefully they're in control now since i use AzaMax.

first time watered these guys with Floranova grow+ Floralicious plus + Sweet.. the ppm was at like 1400 + i added some tap water, so it wasnt fully 1400. I didnt Drench it, just about 3 cups each other than the BD in the smaller pot.
I watered the OG SAGE with floranova bloom, sweet and plus.
Both ph's were at 5.9... realized it should be at about 6.5... right?

My temp is always at 80 and the humidty usually averages at 20.. Thought low humidty might be a problem
On the last picture, there is a huge burn on a fan leaf. i dontknow how it got that, might have been the temperature or low humid... and I noticed that some of the lower leaves are looking a bit shriveling and wrinkley. (on the orange picture) and is wonderign if anyone knows what causes that..

Hope I can Set up my LED panel soon and find some more teens or moms that i can throw in there.
As for the smallerones, thats my first attempt at LST. It seems like those guys are fine, im just a bit worried about the humidity and those shriveling leaves and burn of the Blue dream in the last picture


Well-Known Member
I just nuked again ... on my plants. :) uhh i would ONLY do it during you can later mist them down with water to clean, then flower


Missed the fedex guy again today for my led's
Things seem to be in running condition..

-My clones are doing well and thriving..
1 big buddha xcheese and other is super grape ape
the other two are like sativa hybrids... gonna call the guy who i bought the og sage from nd ask him what those are.

although i think my rom is still in shock
. also this guy over here is stil having wrinkling problems, and top fan leaf is burnt up. wonder what that is..
humidity is at 20-30.. might stay at 20 during the day and temp is near <80

IMAG0142.jpgi didnt really start bubbling before i water.. i should do that soon.
and im thinking about doing the yeast+sugar to generate some co2 in the water? does anyone know how much i should do to a gallon? or should i just fart in the tent


3w LED panel? thats not comparable to a 350w LMAO. the 300w LEDs are only comparable to 1000w hps. a 3w led panel is like a 10w light bulb. they make LED light bulbs that screw into a socket and are in the single digits wattage wise at WalMart, and only they make 16w ones for growing. the smallest panel i've seen is like a 30w and they only comparable to 100w, i've even seen people grow with those 90w UFO and get up to a QP. a 3w would be like growing with little handheld flashlight, i'm just making sure your not getting ripped off. i've been researching LED for a while now because i really want to get one, but not too many people use them, but from just looking around at prices.... a 300w panel is anywhere from $700 - 2300 and those 16w bulbs i was talking about are like $20 - 30. UFO 90w $130 - 300, some people charge way more to rip people off, that's what i think might have happened to you unless your mistaken. check out they have good deals and are legit, or just use like's product search engine to find the best deals.


LOL "fart in the tent", i just saw that. isn't that like propane or something? i know you can light your farts on fire (by experience), but idk if there any carbon in that. and you dont need it anyway, thats just a myth. think about it... a closed space with little ventilation (a house) would have WAY more carbon than the fresh air outside where plants grow naturally. i'm not saying more won't help, but too much of anything will kill anything.


3w LED panel? thats not comparable to a 350w LMAO. the 300w LEDs are only comparable to 1000w hps. a 3w led panel is like a 10w light bulb. they make LED light bulbs that screw into a socket and are in the single digits wattage wise at WalMart, and only they make 16w ones for growing. the smallest panel i've seen is like a 30w and they only comparable to 100w, i've even seen people grow with those 90w UFO and get up to a QP. a 3w would be like growing with little handheld flashlight, i'm just making sure your not getting ripped off. i've been researching LED for a while now because i really want to get one, but not too many people use them, but from just looking around at prices.... a 300w panel is anywhere from $700 - 2300 and those 16w bulbs i was talking about are like $20 - 30. UFO 90w $130 - 300, some people charge way more to rip people off, that's what i think might have happened to you unless your mistaken. check out they have good deals and are legit, or just use like's product search engine to find the best deals.
No, I dont think anyone would pay for a 3w panel, unless someone was a straight idiot to try that. I am talking about 3w diodes on the 180 watt panel or the 350watt panel, and yes it costed alot. Thanks for rep


Came home and witnessed a new prob. might have been the extra heat the 300watter led + hot weather in the tent. OG SAGE bottom leaves are pale and wilting, while top has few burnt leaves. Burnt leaves might have been trapped heat under the 600w hps..
but anyone know if bottom pale leaves are signs of any defficiency? or just heat problems?IMAG0155.jpgIMAG0154.jpgIMAG0159.jpgIMAG0157.jpgIMAG0158.jpgIMAG0160.jpg


No, I dont think anyone would pay for a 3w panel, unless someone was a straight idiot to try that. I am talking about 3w diodes on the 180 watt panel or the 350watt panel, and yes it costed alot. Thanks for rep
Cool, cool. I see now..... is where I'm getting my 300 watter, it's only $650. Plus $30 shipping, that's just to me though, might be cheaper for others.


Quick curling of the leaves could be caused by a change in heat, or introduction of harmful chemicals. If it happened over a longer period of time, could just be the plants. Or... I haven't heard of this happening before, but could be possible. The change in the light, that being the increase of too much reds & blues (too much of anything WILL kill anything), you might have to ease the lights into the room by only having them on part of the day, increasing it slightly each day. Or the mildew, if it is mildew could be causing this (if it's fuzzy white stuff, it is mildew or a type of mold, or spider mites) is it fuzzy? is there spider mites? is not mites and fuzzy. it's for sure mold. You'll probably have to kill them, clean your room completely, and start all over, if it's either of the two.


Nice, i looked into the htg supply leds.. and there's a huge controversy about 3watt diodes or 1 watt diodes on led panels, that 3w's are better. But three x 1w diodes are better than a single 3w. and a single 1 watt diode wont get the job done.. hopefully the htgsuppply chain of led panels are 3 in one 1watters, because the spec says " highly efficient " 1watt led's. but the price is good, so can't complain on that. I got a 300 watter for 800 from growledhydro, and it was supposedly more expensive but it's a used model, so he gave me a price-break.
As for the quick browning.. i raised my lights a bit, and had a fan blow towards the hps. I think it was caused by trapped heat. and the fuzzy stuff, i think im just going to throw those clones away before they spread or something.. if they even spread at all.
What im most concerned about is the yellowing of leaves on the bottom/middle on my og sage that's flowwering. The leaves turned pale, and flimsy. It's not dried out , but there's still light green veins. I think it's a nitrogen defficiency? but i dont see how that happens because i;ve been keeping up with the ppms in my nutes.. "floranova bloom" . it might have been the switch to floranova grow to bloom.. so i watered it with both.. hopefully itll get better..

oh yea, i didnt scrub down my room. its a tent, but it should be clean.. i just have unlucky issues of bringing home teens and moms to flower that are dummy infected sometimes..


yeah, that might be an nitrogen def. thanks for the info on the diode wattages... glad to hear your ladies are looking healthy again. or it might just be whatever was going on before though, and they just haven't bounced back yet.

"bringing home teens and moms to flower that are dummy infected sometimes.. "- LOL