My Collection


Active Member
Hey guys im opening up a thread here for all my glass, hash, bud, and anything else weed related. Would appreciate it if no one else posted pictures here, if you have pictures you want me to see just send me a link!

Start it off with some glass collection

SYN 'Hydrant" ShowerCap Bubbler ($325)
Picked it up at a local head shop, hits real smooth defiantly my favorite piece so far



22'' Inline Stemless Bong ($190)
Got this one at a Indian run convience store near my area. They have alot of cheap glass there but its mostly Chinese/Indian glass. This was the most expensive bong they had there. Its very sturdy i dont use it much but it looks great in my display case! haha. It is equipped with my Ash catcher



14mm 'Monster' Oil Rig Bubbler ($350)
This is the one i just picked up. Was done by an artist in washington state under the name 'Dee Lawnmower'. Its the first sculptured piece he has ever done as well as the first Ti signed piece he has done so i got myself a collectors item. Everything about the piece is cool, from the color choice, to the monsters head regurgitating green slyme, to the copper flake in the marbles. Its a single downstem bubbler but its nice and small so you get full flavor of your hash dabs, which is quite tasty!




Chunky 'StingRay' Spoon ($35)
Got this one at a festival last year. Been using it ever since. I dont use it so much any more now that i have been using oils but it will get used if it has to. I bought it on impulse right when i got to the festival, the lady said $35 and it sounded like a damn good price. It hits really good for a spoon and the way it is shaped fits nice and your hand. Very thick as well i dont think i have dropped it on hard surface but i have defiantly dropped it from pretty high on to a carpet and didnt think twice if it was broken or not.


Ash Catcher w/ slide ($100)
This one came from the same smoke shop that i got my SYN Hydrant from. Very cool ash catcher it was actually the cheapest one they had there it just a single down stem but works very effective for keeping the bong clean. Also the art work on it is very cool you cant tell from the pictures but each line in the swirl has like 2 or 3 smaller lines within them. You gotta see it in person to appreciate it but this has defiantly been a good investment, always use it when smoking flowers out the bong. The glass is very thick as well!


Chillum ($10)
Picked this one up almost a year ago, same convience store that i got the inline stemless from. Was using it to smoke deemsters for a while. Then i decided i needed a nice small lil pipe for in the car so i cleaned it out and started using it for herbs again. Use it few times a week at work!


Spoons ($30)
These both came from the convience store again. One of them is lil broken but still works with a screen. Ill be honest i dont use these ones for herb any more. Only when i want to blast off into hyperspace!


Custom Oil Dome ($45)
A member from this website (ResearchKitty) custom made this dome to match my inline stemless bong. Did a damn good job matching the colors and design, been using it daily since i got it.


18/14 90* Elbow Male Connector ($60)
Picked this one up at the local head shop. I needed one when i got my oil dome, this was the only color they had that would work with my size bong, and i still had to get an adapter for it anyways. Still looks bad ass and it was done by a local blower because it has my area code blown into the glass!


Adjustable Titanium Nail ($30)
Last but not least, the adjustable Ti nail. Thing works the balls wat more do i have to say. Its adjustable so it works with any 18mm oil rig, and it has a nice dish on top so all the concentrates stay on the head of the nail and dont run off! Great investment from ebay!


Well that took me about an hour to take all the milkshots:bongin:, pics, and to load them and write the thread but i think its a good one. Ill be updating it every time i get a new piece so check in often!:hello: Thanks for looking!
Nice. More people need to make threads like this, its encouraged. I love seeing collections.. Nice addition with the prices. Probably save a lot of " how much was that " questions.
That inline doesn't look like it was bought from a cheap Bodega. Nice stuff, especially the rasta spoon.

Nice. More people need to make threads like this, its encouraged. I love seeing collections.. Nice addition with the prices. Probably save a lot of " how much was that " questions.

Looks like I need to gather some pictures together.
Sick stuff man! Who made the dome?

Whoops when i made this thread i made it on another website and just copy and paste it here, ResearchKitty made my dome

pretty nice collection my friend

Thanks man. Appreciate you stopping by and commenting, please check back often!

nice fuckin collection man

Thank you very fuckin much! Stop In OFTEN!

Nice. More people need to make threads like this, its encouraged. I love seeing collections.. Nice addition with the prices. Probably save a lot of " how much was that " questions.

I was bored and stoned this morning so i decided to do it, cant wait to add more. and yes i added the prices cuz every one always wanna know how much. Thanks for looking and hopefully ill be adding your custom piece to my collection!

That inline doesn't look like it was bought from a cheap Bodega. Nice stuff, especially the rasta spoon.

Thanks man. The inline does look really nice for a bodega type store they have a pretty good selection of stuff, its just that the quality of the glass is not as good as other brands. Like some of the percs wont hold water and little things like that. You can tell the glass is being made for mass production.

That is some fine smoking glassware you have yourself!

Thank you kind sir! The collection will continue to grow!
Ok Heres a few more photos like i said.

Glass Collection and Pure Power Plant
I took a shot of my collection along with my PPP that i harvested bout a month ago maybe longer. Very mellow head high, gets your brain thinking, not to much body stone unless you are doing nothing but baking all day. This was my second time harvesting PPP its good smoke and a strong plant but im going to try a new strain soon.


Aerial view!

American Weigh Gemini-20 Portable Milligram Scale
Thing works really good! measures down to the mg so 0.001! Good for weighing keif or any other substances like it. Pretty darn accurate think i got it for like $30 shipped from amazon defiantly a good purchase!


Palmscale 8 Scale
I cant remember what site i ordered this from or how much i paid for it, i think i paid like $60 shipped for it. Its a really awesome scale it has a built in calculator so you can adjust the price per gram and see how much the total weight would cost. Pretty nifty its kinda unnecessary but i think its cool! Also it weights up to 800grams! comes with a nice tray and the way it opens is like a swing open hinge, very cool!


SharpStone 3'' 4 Piece Grinder
Got this grinder from or amazon, dont think i paid much probably like $25 and it came with a pollen press. Had it for over a year now still works good but the screen is pretty clogged up it doesn't sift much keif out now a days.


Bernzomatic TS-4000 Torch
Just picked this up yesterday for heating up my nail. Paid $42 bucks for it at home depot. Came with the 1lbs MAP/PRO Tank. Im really digging this thing over butane/propane torches because the torch has a swirl flame design on the end which burns more efficiently (uses less gas and gets hotter quicker). Also the MAPP Gas burns at a much higher temperature it takes me no longer than 25 seconds to get my Ti nail red hot! I understand mini torches are more convenient they are not big and you dont really gotta worry about tipping them over but im all set with holding my torch over the nail for a minute just to take a dab! good investment right here!


Heres some other non weed related items, a friend of a friend knows a guy who knows a guy that laid us some fresh pages, as you can see we have already sampled some :)
I was reading somewhere MAP gas is REALLY bad to use for heating up nails, something about all the chemicals in the gas. Just wanted to let you know, as always sick shit brother! I need to pick up one of those scales.
I was reading somewhere MAP gas is REALLY bad to use for heating up nails, something about all the chemicals in the gas. Just wanted to let you know, as always sick shit brother! I need to pick up one of those scales.

uh oh gonna have to do some research thanks for the heads up!
This is the best i can find about mapp gas, its straight from the MSDS sheet.

Hazardous Decomposition products: Normal combustion products carbon dioxide,
incomplete combustion can produce carbon monoxide. Various hydrocarbons formed
when burned.

So what i take from that is as long as its burning its no different than using butane. Co2 and hydrocarbons are formed no mater what kind of gas you burn so i think im ok, plus it literally takes me 15 seconds to get my 14mm nail red hot.
14mm slide from The Michigan Glass Project Auction


Revere Glass Micro Circ Perc


Sandblasted Bubbler (Funky Buddha Glass)



I got a bunch more glass to post up here, i havent been on this site in a while but im going to make up for lost time!