My Clones Slow Growth??


Well-Known Member
Let me fill ya in a bit. First off this is not a huge problem for me. I was just looking to get some input on what could be going on. I recently moved into a new home. Since I was moving, just finishing up a harvest, I decieded not to take any clones until I was at my new location and I would just keep my "mother" plant. I get moved in to the new house and take my first clones. They root fine, I put them in soil and take my next cuttings. I thought that I wasn't seeing much growth from the little ladies, but just thought it's always like this... (third grow right now). Two weeks passes and my second clones are ready to be put into the soil. I plant them and go on as always. Well my second batch has already past my first batch of clones. They are bigger, have bigger leaves and are now a little bit taller also. The one thing I think that might be up is that I just took smaller cuts the first time and my second batch where bigger clones. I think that's what it is, but not sure if that would really matter. That's why I ask...? I know it's not my PH because all my other plants are fine. The mother and the second batch of cloes are going great along with the newly added strains. I thought it might have been bad clones, but this mother has put out good clones, never any problems (thats why she is the mother!) Could she have just put out one bad batch ya think? When I take my cuts they go straight into a humidity dome with a heat mat. It's the best possible way for them to go. I also use a rooting hormone. I go by Jorge Cervantes. I have his grow grow bible. INPUT???bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
The first fout pictures are of the possibly stunted clones. The fifth picture is the possible stunted clones with the good (2nd batch) clones behind them. The sixth picture has the possible stunts on the left, with the better ones on the right. You can def see difference in size. Pictures 7,8, and 9 are all the second batch of clones (Purple Kush). Picture ten is the newly added afgoo plant. Pictue 11 is my clone dome. Took a picture just because.

Don't know if that helps at all, but that's kinda the jist of things right now. It's usually not so clusterd and so much going on. New house, just getting them going. Anyone got any input? ANYONE?????