My cheap, easy, no-hassle auto-hitter fun


Well-Known Member
I saw a video on of a user Mary420Jane and she made this auto hitter, but with stuff I didn't have, so I made my own where I could reuse it, and still use my pump and didn't have to buy anything extra..

The different pictures are the different steps if you want to make one real quick.

The first one just shows you a plastic bottle with it's top unscrewed and off, through the plastic top I have about 8 inches of aquarium tubing, and a joint with a filter (so I don't have to burn it into the plastic) pushed so the filter is 3/4th in the plastic tubing, it's hard to see but there is a hole in the back of the plastic bottle, I put some aquarium tubing that's hooked up to my pump through th back of the bottle about an inch or two, there's a small hole in the plastic tubing near where it goes into the bottle as an on or off if you cover it with your thumb.

The second is me starting off the joint

The third is me screwing the top onto the bottle joint inside

The fourth is when I plugged in the aquarium pump and I covered the "choke"

Enjoy! I'm high.

The second one



Well-Known Member
Yeah those pictures are of when I did it about 45 minutes ago, the video from youtube of the chick making the other one is here and sorry it's "Mary420Juana"


Well-Known Member
haha and that last picture, that isn't the tube, the tube stops where the brown is and the rest is smoke, damn I'm blazed...


Well-Known Member
just go buy one at the head shop. compact, about 13 or 14 dollars and they put out alot of smoke. i made mine into an autobong with a 12 oz bottle....i burnt up a whole bowl into that littl tiny bottle.....not knowing this i took the hit like i usually do and hacked up a lung for about n hour ....mannnnn was i ripped