My cfl grow: Blue dream


Active Member
Wutsup. There are still some gnats in the grow room. for those of you who didnt read the last post, i put a layer of sand on the top of the soil to help control the gnat problem. I also put a cup of soapy water in the grow space, i heard this attracts the adults and they drown when they come in contact with the water. other than that everything looks great. The buds are gettting bigger every day!

here are todays pics:

peace :leaf:
if u use a something kinda shallow, an inch maybe two deep and mix up coffee sugar and water with bout two scoops of coffee two of sugar and a little amount of water, after about two days it turns to like a thick sticky tar,,,they are really attracted to that and is much more effective than the soapy will also find the little bastards manage to get under the pot and in thru the holes in the bottom so maybe if there is a gap for them to get in try and block it up. they really are annoying little shits


Active Member
wow, great idea garageflower. +rep for the idea. I will definitely try that out.

about to post an update


Active Member
Hey guys. Today is 4 weeks into flower. the sand has helped control the gnats. I am going to also try garageflower's idea. Also, i included some pictures below that show some weird discoloration in some of my leaves, if you guys could take a look and tell me what you think id appreciate that alot. sorry there hasnt been alot of pics lately i just dont get many replies on here so i dont post pics. If you guys want them just ask and i'd be glad to share.

heres the pictures i took today:

peace :bigjoint:


Active Member
probably the worst part about having gnats is finding them dead, stuck to your buds. today i tried garageflower's idea and mixed up some sugar coffee and water hoping to attract those little fuckers.
but anyways heres some pics from today:
Blue Dream:
$100 OG:

Thanks guys, let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
probably the worst part about having gnats is finding them dead, stuck to your buds. today i tried garageflower's idea and mixed up some sugar coffee and water hoping to attract those little fuckers.
but anyways heres some pics from today:
Blue Dream:
$100 OG:
Thanks guys, let me know what you think.
Looking good homie, I've got some gnats myself and got rid of them covering the pots and lowering the temps but now they are back. I got some sand from the beach yesterday and also some small stones and may use them soon but I may put them in water for several hours first. Let me know how the coffee mix works for you :)

What's going on with the blue dream ? the top leaves look a little bit droopy.


Active Member
Im not really sure man. they have been like that about a week. pretty much since i put the sand on (wonder if that has anything to do with it?) also, i am trying only to water when the plant really shows signs of water stress because the gnats prefer the soil to be wet. as far as i can see the buds keep growing, so im not to concerned.


Well-Known Member
Yep, could be the sand but you also put sand in the other two and they seem to be doing fine. Lets hope she gets better :)

How is the coffe mix working ? is it helping you with the killing of those fucking gnats ?


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, just saw a pic in my ref guide that looks like your plant and I've got it under salt accumulation so that may be the problem, where did you get the sand ? nuts can also create salt accumulation, do you think that could be it ?

Just wanted to let you know in case it can help ;)


Active Member
I got the sand from home depot, it was sterile. That could be a possibility. Is your reference guide online? could i get the link? Do you think it would be a good idea to flush? that will take care of it if its salt accumulation wont it?


Well-Known Member
Yes, I believe a flush would help but we still have the fact that the other two plants are not affected and I guess you are giving them the same nuts right ? Maybe you could ask for a second opinion in Marijuana Plant Problems. Let me know the link to the post coz I'm curious about it :)

The link to the ref. guide is in my signature.


Active Member
Alright thanks alot man. The $100 OG is actually in a completely different soil mix and i started it 12/12 from clone as where the others were veged for a little while. If i flushed i would probably just do flush both the blue dreams. Ill take a look at the reference guide and see what i find there.
If i end up making a post in plant problems, i will post the link here.

peace, thanks again


Active Member
oh and lince, i havent checked today, but i havent really found the coffee mix to work all that well yet. but maybe its just hard to see the tiny gnats in there because the mix is also a black/dark brown color. overall though, the gnat population seems to be going down since the sand/ soapy water/ coffee mix have been used. planning on taking off the sand this weekend to check things out/see if they need water. They havent shown any signs of being thirsty though. I might think about flushing this weekend just as a precaution because i am a little concerned about those droopy leaves.


Active Member
Whatsup guys, just took the plants out of the closet to check them out/ hunt for gnats. i got some of those hanging fly strips i have one hanging in my grow area now. enjoy the pics. Next update will probably be on thursday. I mixed up some nutes and i will probably feed later today, it just takes a while for the guano pellets to dissolve into the water. I am now at 1.5 tablespoons of guano (10-10-2) and 3 teaspoons of TigerBloom (2-8-4 i believe). I am still using molasses, but only when I am not giving any nutes. This will probably be either the last time, or second to last time i give them the guano, they should be good on Nitrogen from then on out, but i will just have to see. Everything seems to be goin well though. I know Lince noticed how drooopy the leaves look on one of my blue dream plants. Anyone else have any ideas what this looks like? I will probably give the blue dream their nutes tomorrow or monday. If they dont look better after that i will probably be forced to flush them to be safe. Anyways, that is pretty much it. here are the pictures:
peace :leaf:


Active Member
close as possible. Id say 3-4 inches. If you want to check out how my lights are setup just go back a page in the thread. Thanks for stoppin by grandaddy


Active Member
Whatsup guys, Today is day 35 of 12/12. I don't know if its just wishful thinking, but it seems like the gnats are dying off which is very good. I'm sick of pulling gnats off of my buds with tweezers even though IMO its worth the work. Other than that there isnt much esle to tell you guys besides for the $100 OG looks dank!!!!
Enjoy the pics

hit me back


Active Member
Wats up bro, man you got some tall plants for jus CFLs. How many lights you got and what wattage? it looks like 9 or 10.

I jus put 8 26w over my stressed babies, havent posted pics yet, but im bout to. Female trippin on me:D

Nice grow tho bro. Your first??
