My cfl grow at 15 days


Alright so heres the deal I have 2 45 watt 6500 k cfl's and 1 42 watt 2700 k and 1 40 watt 2700 cfl. They have been veggin on 24/0 for 15 does now. The temps usually stay in the high 80's(I know not preferable but not much I can do right know) There is one intake fan and two fans circulating air for the plants. the strain is Cannacopia bc roadkill from Hempdepot. I have a few questions and was wondering what I could improve on for this grow. One of the plants is growing quite slow but I am not to worried about that. There is however one that is growing faster than the rest that has burn marks on the ends of its first two leaves. I have not added any nutes to it so could this be a nutrient deficiency or something else. Also that same one is growing kinda lopsided just wondering if thats normal.
Anyways heres the pics of my three plants and feel free to add your suggestions about how my growing area could be improved.

Plant 1:

Plant 2

luvvin growin

Active Member
how big are your containers?When do you plan on introducing some nutes?How close are the lights?Just a few questions to help with a reply.


My containers are the 6 inch ones. I just transplanted them a little bit ago from very small ones. I just started adding nutes today. Some 10-15-10 schultz nutes cause they were the only ones I could find. Do you guys think the burns are possibly from the heat of the bulbs or something more complex? Also I think the first plant that was crooked is getting worse but dont really know if this is a bad thing. Any other input would be great and have a nice day

Illegal Smile

You can get away with heat like that in veg but it may be a problem in flower.