my calyx is cracking: what does that mean?


Well-Known Member
hey all,

we have got a plant that has been flowering for 6 weeks and some of the calyx are splitting open and more hairs (or spaghetti noodles) are growing out of it. the hairs are thicker, more translucent, and they are clumped together opening like a flower. is this an indication of needing to harvest or will this at least give me a timeline of how much longer to wait?

in the picture you will see the opening ones in the top right corner of the bed.


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instead of seeds being there your plants producing more trics to make up for no seeds. This is a postitive...
It means that they are growing. If no pollen lands on them they will brown off and new will be grown underneath making your buds bigger as they mature. This is why its a good idea to get a microscope or something to see the colour of the trichs to see if they are clear, cloudy, or amber.
thanks asrultraz, thats what i was looking for

and sleeper, i do have a loupe (30x)...and theyre not amber -- more cloudy than clear
I broke my callyx in an accident once hurt like hell...your plant is looking juicy good happy
dont mean to hijack ur thread but my trichs are also more cloudy than clear and there are some ambers in there also....when do u think i will harvest? +rep nice!
dont mean to hijack ur thread but my trichs are also more cloudy than clear and there are some ambers in there also....when do u think i will harvest? +rep nice!

If you have flushed your plants and you have mostly cloudy and some amber it's getting close. It can come down to personal preference and the strain. The way I understand it is that if you cut it early then it'll be more of an up head high where as if you let it go a little longer it starts to change the thc into cbd's i believe and you'll get more of a sleepy body high.

This is my interpretation on things at least, could be wrong. Know your strains. How long they take to mature, taste smell, it should taste different as well depending on when you harvest.

Make sure the plant is fully flushed before though or you'll end up with a much harsher smoke and it'll take away from the taste as well.
i agree with sleeper, nlempb.

I have honestly never seen an amber trich... i cut mine all before then -- i like the head high -- i HATE sleepy stoning.

but that's after 3 days of flushing.
I believe you should wait till the plant does start to turn some of the trichs to amber. If not it could have alot more growth left in it and will put on the majority of its weight during this time.