My buds does it have a mold problem


Active Member
I'm not an expert(others are) but it looks like bud rot.As far as I know all you can do is cut out the affected areas and don't water for awhile.What is your humidity like?


Well-Known Member
That is bud rot. I have had decent luck in the past, but cutting out the deformed section and trashing them. I dip the bud I cut up into a cup of hydrogen peroxide/water mix and hold it there for about a minute, then hang dry it. You will need to keep this bud separate from others that weren't mouldy cause chances are, it might come back.


Yes i do mist the plant but iam not doing that anymore i just cut the branch down just in case it is mold and iam just haging it on a string and see if i can just dry out and cure the buds that are not affected


ok now i know not to mist a flowering plant but what if its outdoor plant and it rains it has the same affect


Well-Known Member
one more hint from someone who just dealt with this, give the buds that look fine a longer drying
i had this same issue, found some bud rot, but most were unaffected
the ones i didn't give the extra drying were affected by mold during curing, a little dryer is better in this situation


Well-Known Member
Just had the same problem, it rained for 2 days with no sun and a pile of humidity, I found three spots with a little bud rot. I cut down the infected colas and removed the spots of mold. They are as we speak drying out in front of a fan in a cool dark place.

Normally rain wont hurt a flowering plant as long as it dries out the next day but a few days of rain can really hurt a crop, Especially in the humidity!


Well-Known Member
The marijuana plant is designed to flower specifically during the dry season in autumn of its indigenous climate, its rarely raining or not at all while this plant flowers. This is the reason weed is so prone to becoming rootbound. The plant develops massive root systems to sustain itself during its flowering stage when its dry.

Keep your humidity down in your growroom, use a dehumidifier if nessacary. ESPECIALLY if there is already mold/bud rot showing. Just because you cut the branch off does not mean the spores and bacteria are gone. Try to stay below 55% RH, >40 RH is better.

Good luck!