My Buddies First Grow... Any and all suggestions would be great

Strain: Forest Blue

Grow Box: just a shelf unit thats been modified to be lightproof, heat blanket lined the walls.

Lights: so far just a mix of cfls Cool White and Soft White

Well, after about two weeks of trying he finally has 2 little seedlings and a couple more on the way. hes only growing 5 plants max for personal use. because hes under the impression that people can grow up to 6 plants for personal use without the law bothering him. im not so sure about that but who really knows these days. this is in BC if anyone does know the laws let me know so i can pass it on. Anyways heres the pics let me know what you think. oh he wants to know when he can fertilize it. someone said he could give it very light strength already, but ive heard not to give it anything for two weeks.



Well-Known Member
for seedlings, i would start in smaller containers, even small 'beer pong' cups, and get a bunch, some die off for no reason other than bad luck.

For your CFLs, try looking for Daylight or FULL DAY or Bright White bulbs, they have a higher color spectrum then coolwhite, or soft white, you wanna be around 6500k (almost a bluish white) for veg. save the yellower ones for flowering.

also, more lights = more nugs (to a point, but yea). start thinking about nutrients, a fan for temperature (and a thermometer), get a ph Meter, and stuff to adjust the pH. more perlite (add it soon before the roots grow a bunch and the soil gets compacted). think of friendly bugs to add (for indoors stick to earthworms). and get some preventative stuff ready ( reservoir of water for waterings/flushings, get some fungus killer, bug killer, etc), sucks to find an issue at 11pm and everything be closed til 9am and freak out for 10 hours.

Good luck, and happy growing


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt start nutes til 2 weeks. ive started low strenght rite off the bat before. they grow better w pure ro water, ph 6.3-6.8. and heres some advice- stop saying its yr friend and admit that its your grow.