my box to hot!


Active Member
hey i dont know what to do for my box i got a veg and a budding the veg side is fine seein how i am using a 200 watt terra grow vegging bulb but the budding box is runiin a 400 hps and sitting at a temp of 85-88 f i have a cooling tube on my bulb and a small intake fan space is critical or i would buy an a/c so anyone got any ideas for me?


yeah i wouldn't worry to much but i have seen a diy small humidifier that also claims to cool your room a few degs aswell. Dont have a link sorry by if you do a search for it im sure you will find it.


Active Member
kewl thx guys yeah i got my temp down to 84 now it still a little higher then i want it but i should be able to deal with it now.