my big plan...


Active Member
ok, here is my plan... i'm gonna order some auto-flowering f1 seeds (20 or 30) and do a quick outdoor guerrilla grow out in the country.

i know it matters on the strain, but do you guys think auot-flowering plants will be fine on there own or am i gonna want to visit them from time to time? obviosly if the weather gets too dry i'll have to water them but if it rains enough 1"-1.5" a week and i put chicken wire around them to protect them from animals do you think i'll be fine?

i'll mix my own soil so hopefully it will have plenty of nutes for the whole 8 or 9 weeks of its life.

does anyone have any suggestions or recomindations for hearty, stable and outdoor friendly rudes or auto's???


Well-Known Member
my buddy has had very good luck with low ryders, they are a autoflower. As for leaving them on their own i'm not sure, one would think with minimal checking they'd do alright, only get to about 12". Be sure to watch for males unless getting fem seeds