My beautiful green babies!


Damn these things are getting big. First pic is one week ago, second one is today (huge difference!), and third is close up. I still don't know for sure how to tell for gender, I see what look like the lady parts then they turn into more leaves. These plants are a month and a half old now. Is it safe to assume they're girls, and how much longer should I go before I plug up the HPS?


They look beautiful man, good job! Are you asking if they are ready to flower (is the HPS in the flower room)? Honestly that is a personal call. Just keep in mind they can double in height in flowering. So plan ahead. And if you want to try to get an up close, focused pic of the internodes we might be able to get you a solid answer on sex.


Well-Known Member
i was just curious about the exhale co2 jug is that working out for ya? i am jealous of your weeks growth! mine dont compare! Do i need to get a exhale jug or what? haha