my battle with a 500 watt halogen............


Well-Known Member
how about you give your grandma some respect and not grow in here house
could cause her alot of problems
i do have respect,
Man, how old are you?
Show some respect, don't grow in grandma's house...
what are you talking about respect, i asked her if i could grow way befor i even started and she had no problem with it. in fact she gave me some of the money for my meterials. and im 21 btw


Well-Known Member
and i dont have it in any stealth box, its wide open in the middle of my room, my grandmother, my father and my step-mom and most of my family know about my grow. im not sum little kid growing without his or her parents knowing, im a responcible adult who happens to live with his grandmother untill i go back to school. there's a big diffrience, so how about a little respect? i mentioned halogens because they are so bright and i couldnt believe they didnt make much up a diffrience and made my electric bill that high. so it was an expeirment, now i know that its not worth the plant damage and the cost to run these damn things.........


Well-Known Member
how about you get a job and pay for your little experment so your grandma dont have to pay the power bill that you ran up


Well-Known Member
how about you get a job and pay for your little experment so your grandma dont have to pay the power bill that you ran up
how about you stop assuming i dont. all the bills in the house I pay for. well except income tax school tax, and property taxes. which is part of the reason my grandmother does not care about me growing because I pay the bills.


Global Moderator
Staff member
p.s. plz no i told you so's. my grandma is gunna flip when she gets back from vaction in 2 weeks..........
If you're paying the bills, then why would your Grandmother "Flip"? Seems to me that if you're really paying them she wouldnt even see them.
Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
If you're paying the bills, then why would your Grandmother "Flip"? Seems to me that if you're really paying them she wouldnt even see them.
Just a thought.
because they are in her name maybe? it is her house afterall. she flips about the cable bill eventhough i pay it. she wont even let me talk on my own cell phone after 12 eventhough i pay that bill too. its just how she is. I give her the money for the bills and she pays them. thats our agreement. the check that she gets every month since she retired is only enough to pay the taxes and put food in the house. and i buy my own food too.


Well-Known Member
i do have respect,

what are you talking about respect, i asked her if i could grow way befor i even started and she had no problem with it. in fact she gave me some of the money for my meterials. and im 21 btw
if you had a job and you pay your way why would she give you money for materials?


Well-Known Member
if you had a job and you pay your way why would she give you money for materials?
because, all my money goes to the bills. i pay just about every bill in this fucking house, the water, the gas and electric cable and internet, phone bill. plus i pay for my cell phone bill, and i give her 200 dollars a month just to keep her comfortable. she gets a little under 1000 dollars a month off of retirement. all she pays for is her groceries, so she has a little money left over for wtvr she wants to spend it on. so i asked her for like 60 bucks to get some cfls pots dirt, wtvr and she gave it to me. but I pay for just about every bill in this house so after the bills are payed, i dont have any money to my name.


Well-Known Member
No body is tearing any body a new anything - just pointing out inconsistencies in the story. Think about it - are these not logical questions?
no it just seems u guys are just being dicks, its more entertaining to get on somebody than to not get on somebody, and I see it for what it really is. what makes what im saying inconsistent? the fact that i live with my grandmother and im growing, or that you just don't care? if you knew me and you knew my situation, then you wouldnt be saying that theres "inconsistencies" to my story. but you don't, so therefor you don't have the right to question anything i say involving my living arrangements. I said that my grandmother is going to flip out about the electric bill. from there, everything that ppl have said was an ASSUMPTION, and because I decided not to give a backround about my grandmother and my self, that leads you to believe that im stealth growing in my grandmothers house? fine, if i told you that my grandmother told me to live here because she couldnt afford to pay the bills and it was either that or sell the house that her dead husband built with his bare hands and move to baltimore would you believe me? if i told you that i was growing to catch up the bills because i've been behind would you believe me. if i told you that my father is too doped up on crack to give a fuck what I do, let alone help my grandmother with her bills would you believe me then? well guess what, u got your fucking backround check and i hope your happy with yourselves because i shouldnt have to bleed my heart about my family just to get some fucking advice about bud. im not some stupid little punk growing in his parents house without their permission, putting them at risk. I'm an adult, and i have permission, in fact even with permission i didnt wanna grow inside untill my crop got attacked by a deer. all im trying to do is provide for my family. i dont want my grandmother to loose this house, she told me she wants to die here and thats what i want for her. she raised 3 generations of kids here. i was born in this house for god's sake. and if you looked at any of my other threads, you wouldnt ask me about stuff about working or living because im not gunna lie about it. so u know what, if you can't help me, than don't have to. but don't get in my fucking way and dont give me shit about things you couldnt possibly understand, because if you would.


Well-Known Member
500w halogen? that's a big cost to your electricity for little lumens get that out of there! I have many friends who grow successfully with cfl's, try the 42w's you can buy at home depot or other hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
Ok dude make a new thread about your CFL grow cause your not going anywhere here....Put some pick up on the new one and im sure your get some feedback but your posting here is like beating a dead horse....Halogens don't work...Plane and simple....Keep buying CFL's and spliters and you will do fine....Good luck!