My backyard has a Spider Mite infestation. Nuclear option?


Well-Known Member
I'm in California and I have Spider Mites in my yard on a flowrering bush. My backyard is pretty amazing we are talking a mini forest, no fruit or veg of any kind though and also I don't grow outdoors.. I am thinking about treating with 40% achohol mixed with olive oil..

Anyone have success? What should I use to wreck their universe? Bleach+Ammonia comes to mind lol


Well-Known Member
Hmm, now I am thinking neem plus alcohol.. I never use neem on my plants I don't like it so I never thought of it


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds cumbersome or redundant but once a week spray the yard with

Like a few drops of dish soap and hell a good squirt of neem let it mix real well with water then spray the yard. Should take care of ANY vegetative eating pests.

SevinDust also? I wouldn't use it with edibles but for ornamentals or grass i would say it's fine. Maybe not if you have dogs also.


Well-Known Member
I am going with your advice per the letter.. If they return I will get really nasty with them.. I will update this thread.


Well-Known Member
I use a little dish soap too cause it's cheap and it suffocates their little asses on contact, I use it on all bushes for mites and aphids.

Chillin chillin

Well-Known Member
The best spider mite killer is kelp, liquid kelp that is. I use Oceans Forest from Nutri plus @ 10ml per gallon and few drops of dish soap. The mites love the underside of leaves since most eggs and moms are there it makes it tricky


Well-Known Member
Be sure to read about the forbid, super harmful to humans. Be sure to spray from the other room, or have your enemy spray for you.
Yeah, it's bad stuff. Most pesticides are harmful to humans, even organic methods, such as conserve SC (spinosad). Always use a respirator, long sleeves and pants, use them carefully and as instructed, never in flower and always give at least 60 days for all pesticides to clear from the plant.


Well-Known Member
I just went with neem I decided no forbid yet.. They vanished after treatment
That's great! Its always best trying the safest thing first, especially outdoors. Outdoor plants have a much better resistance to pets and a much higher immune system to deal with issues. Glad you got it under control and good luck!